151. Isn't it dumb?

123 4 10

Sheith (ish)

None babyyyyy

Literally decided I was going to write this when I was in the shower and I had to remember it all the way through the shower and when I was drying my hair

And for the sake of plot we pretend Shiro has been here the whole time and never vanished lmao



Lance was dumb. That was a fact he knew well and he knew the other paladins knew it too... I mean they kept reminding him on the game-show. Lance personally didn't exactly enjoy that but mostly because he was already on edge, I mean you would be too if your enemies were on the panel against you, so that was probably the reason why he didn't exactly take it as a joke that day. The other thing was that Lance worries about dumb things, things he knows he shouldn't. Ever since the game-show Keith and Shiro had been spending a lot of time together and frankly Lance was worried, it wasn't that he didn't trust his boyfriend because he did nor did he believe the man he regarded his Space Dad would do that to him, and he couldn't help but let the worry made him feel sick in his stomach.

Keith Kogane was Lance's boyfriend and had been for quite a while now and Lance loved him deeply, that was what concerned him. He knew he wasn't good enough for Keith and Shiro certainly would be a better option, if Lance were in Keith's shoes he would chose the black paladin over the blue one in a heartbeat. Lance knew he wasn't the best boyfriend but he did try even if it wasn't obvious, despite acting flirty and confident deep down the blue paladin was terrified of rejection and he honestly didn't know how Keith wanted him to act or how he could treat his boyfriend the way he deserved, he only wanted to show Keith how much he loved him.

The blue paladin didn't discuss this with anyone and didn't ask any of the other paladins advice out of fear of starting an argument, he really tried to avoid conflict as much as he could although lately it seemed to be trying to find him, or upsetting someone. Lance would rather keep his mouth shut to avoid losing or hurting someone than addressing the way he felt and honestly that was probably why he was so worried about losing Keith cause he didn't show the boy love as much as he could because he was scared of his own feelings, he didn't want to be too much or act in the wrong way which would result in him losing Keith. He was already worried that he would lose him to Shiro.

He also didn't want to be left out and that terrified him, it was another dumb thing that worried him, that no one actually wanted him around and they just kept him there for Keith. He wanted to spend time with the other paladins but sometimes he wondered if they wanted to spend time with him. Lance knew he tried too hard sometimes and got upset easily over stupid things but getting upset over stupid things meant he could hide the real things that caused him to cry. He rid the things that hurt him with the small things that annoyed him because it was easier to focus on those things then to think about what hurt him. He wanted to be able to ignore all these things and just be with Keith happy because that's what the red paladin made him, he made him happy and Lance only hoped that one day he could make Keith happy too.

Isn't it dumb?

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