132. Night Runs

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Lmao this is based off last night which I spent with my dad hence why I made this a platonic oneshot



"But who was the Wasp?!" Roman questioned over-dramatically staring at his best friend who had made him book tickets to see Ant-Man and the Wasp. Roman had a few questions after seeing the movie but had enjoyed it. Virgil just laughed and shrugged, "I dunno but Scott and Cassie's father-daughter relationship was adorable! That I do know!" Roman nodded in agreement as the two loaded themselves into the car. The clock literally read; 10:59 and Virgil had school the next day... Roman had dropped out and gotten an acting apprenticeship so he always had to get up early but they both just laughed. Roman was the one driving seeing as Virgil hadn't gotten his license yet which meant unfortunately Roman got to chose the radio station and the music by default. He was upset the show-tunes weren't on but they were only on at 3pm on a Sunday.

"When I was just a little girl I asked my mother what will I be?~" Roman started singing, using one of his hands as a microphone and keeping the other on the wheel. Virgil rolled his eyes but he joined in dancing in his seat, "Will I be pretty?
Will I be rich? Here's what she said to me~" Roman took a deep breath and smirked at his best friend, telling him to join in too, so Virgil also took a deep breath and both of them bawled out at the same time, "Que será, será~ Whatever will be, will be~ The future's not ours to see~ Que será, será~ What will be, will be~" They were practically screaming and if anyone else had heard them they probably would have thought someone was strangling cats or someone was getting murdered.

"Double cheeseburger time!" Roman grinned as he drove into McDonald's drive-through. He started hitting the steering wheel in excitement. He ordered their food through the speaker cause he knew sure as Hell Virgil wouldn't pipe up and say anything through to the speaker. Once they got the burgers Roman shoved them onto Virgil's lap as he drove for a bit until he got on a quiet section of the road and he picked up his burger. "Here you'll want your napkin," Virgil chuckled and balanced it on Roman's knee before starting to munch into his burger. The two had a few jokes between them as they ate and drove back home. Virgil yawning a few times and feeling his eyelids drop more than once.

Eventually when they got home, burgers eaten and movie watched they decided to depart and got to bed both tired and Virgil knew he'd be tired in the morning but it was worth it because he always forgot how good a time he could have with Roman.

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