179. I can decide for myself

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Once again a random idea I got (also I can't believe this book is getting close to its limit of chapters... I mean obviously I'm gonna make another one cause I enjoy writing but it's so surreal)

Kind of a follow-up to 'The truth can be scary sometimes'

353 (short but meaningful)

"I don't like it... you looked better with longer hair."

That one comment pissed Anti off whenever he thought about it. He didn't care about look prettier or matching whatever his friend's standard of beauty was, he'd cut it because it made him happier. He felt better like that. It was such a simple thing but it made him realise that no matter what active choice he made someone would judge him for it and he realised he's got to stop caring what other people think and do what makes him happy and comfortable. He was learning to accept himself and to do that he had to push aside snarky disapproving comments even if they came from his friends.

The only person whose opinion really mattered to him was Dark's but he already knew his boyfriend didn't mind, even though he'd also said before he preferred Anti's long hair... he shot that comment down pretty quickly, and Dark was the one who helped him express himself. He began wearing men's clothing and sure he looked a little like a fuck-boy but honestly he was happy that way. Sometimes he felt like dressing femininely too and being a feminine boy and that was okay too... Anti decided to stop judging himself because he's his own critic, he's the one who causes himself the most pain.

The boy with anxiety dresses in the most obnoxious fashion because it makes him comfortable, he doesn't understand himself because he'd rather be hidden but whenever something is incredibly obnoxious and in your face he decides that he needs it. Anti has learn to take steps towards accepting himself because there's nothing wrong with who he is and he needs to realise that.

"I can decide for myself what's okay and what isn't."

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