73. Demonic Love

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It's Valentine's Day so this what I'm writing... I'll try to do a Natepat one but it might come later in the week

Fluff lads!
(I'm being nice)

Thanks for sticking with me through his book it means everything to me



Anti was asleep.

His green hair was plastered over his face messily and his legs were cuddled into a pillow, he was sucking his thumb - a habit he'd had since he was young.

Dark looked at Anti and smiled softly, "For ademon you're pretty fucking cute," He mumbled and stroked the sleeping demon's hair. He sighed heavily, knowing that thedemon only saw him as a friend but that wouldn't stop or conceal his love for the male. He wanted to wake the younger but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Instead he swirled his fingers in a circle causing a black mist to appear; he was creating a dream for his crush to have.


"Darky," Anti whined as he tugged on the demon's hoodie, "Can you hurry up? I want to see my surprise." He pouted looking up at his boyfriend, a black blindfold covering his eyes. Dark chuckled at his impatience, "Seriously babe you're just as bad as a child. You just need to wait a few more minutes."

Anti crossed his arms and looked down, huffing. Dark laughed and finished what he was doing before smiling, "okay Anti you can take the blindfold off now."

"Finally!" Anti exclaimed and ripped the blindfold off his face and immediately gasped. Hanging from the celling were little heart notes that read out 'Will you marry me?'

"YES YES YES!" Anti squealed and hugged his boyfriend tightly smiling widely.


"Heh..." Dark watched the dream he created and sighed, looking at his friend longingly. Anti kicked a little in his sleep, a cute smile making its way onto his lips, "I love you Dark..." He mumbled.

"I love you too Anti."

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