196. I'll support you, no matter what

130 1 0

Platonic!Moxiety (like father and son relationship)

None boyos

Lmao so my day started off pretty shit and then it went good cause I went into town with my friend and my other friend is coming round tomorrow to play Zelda so hyped for that lol

Also this is my first time writing moxiety so we'll see how that goes


839 (a bit of a mess but honestly turned out good... I think anyways)


Virgil was sprawled out on his corner of the couch, playing Undertale which he had just recently downloaded. He'd asked his father Logan for help with a puzzle in it earlier but that hadn't gone well as Logan had believed the puzzle was impossible and refused to believe it when Virgil had completed it. Now, however, Logan was fast asleep in his chair and his other dad Patton was watching Casualty, drinking from a glass of rosé wine, but he didn't seem too interested in it.

Patton got up to refill his glass and out of habit Virgil got up too, one of his earphones still plugged into his console so he could play and speak but eventually he decided that was rude and difficult considering the anxious male was already hard of hearing. The two got to chatting which is something they'd only recently gotten back into doing, before everything had gone to shit Patton and Virgil used to sit up and speak until the early hours of the morning, and Virgil was incredibly grateful for this as he did enjoy the deep conversations he had with his dad.

"I'm so proud of you," Patton mumbled, hugging Virgil tightly, he truly was as well and he was getting more engaged with his son and the day prior he had looked up college courses incase he couldn't get into university and had picked a course he knew would be perfect for his son. He also realised that Virgil didn't need maths as a qualification to get into the courses so that was a weight off the worrying dad's shoulders. "Thanks dad," Virgil smiled and hugged him back. When he was his dad there was a different side to Virgil and it was one he never really acted on around his friends or boyfriend but he was very mature and grown up because there were times when he had to be.

Virgil and Patton had a very open, comfortable relationship and Virgil did feel like he could tell his dad almost anything because Patton did snoop or try to get involved with his son's business and he respected his privacy which had made the anxious boy grow to trust his dad greatly and feel comfortable talking about things with him. Virgil was extremely honest with his dad, there were only a few things he kept from him his relationship with Roman being one of the main ones, and that made Patton happy. Patton trusted his son and he wouldn't stop him from doing anything as long as he told him in advance, he wasn't against his son drinking as long as he told him he was doing it, and a prime example of this was in the same night where Patton waved a cigarette in Virgil's face and told him to try it because he'd rather he tried it around him and knew he didn't like it then be peer pressured by a friend, Virgil was very much against doing this but Patton was persistent so he tried it and hated it. The dad just laughed at his son, glad that he hadn't enjoyed it.

Patton also got emotional throughout the night and he kept hugging Virgil begging him not to leave when he went to University or college and he kept asking if Virgil felt like him and Logan were bad parents which he didn't. Sure Patton and Logan weren't perfect but no one is and given the choice he wouldn't replace them. Virgil practically outed his sexuality to his dad too by telling him that he didn't really care the gender of the person as long as he had feelings for them, he wasn't quite ready to tell him about being with Roman but he was getting a few steps closer, and Patton acknowledged this and kept including it, "Well whoever you marry girl or boy, I'm not paying for your wedding." That just made Virgil laugh cause at least his dad was being accepting of him.

"I love you and I will always support you, no matter what, just when did you get so grown up?" Patton kept crying and telling Virgil that he would become the better version of him and that he's the best thing about him. Virgil was almost in tears himself honestly because he could feel how much love there was and there is something special about family love because it's probably the purest form of love and truthfully you never lose it.

There's one thing that is important; it is a requirement to love your parents but you don't need to like them.
Virgil had just gotten lucky.

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