125. Living with the Seven Deadly Sins

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This is just me having a bit of fun cause I was like 'what would happen if Dark lived with the Seven Deadly Sins and they were trying to help him ask Anti out on a date'

2547 (kinda proud of this also this has taken so long to write its actually unreal I've had this in my drafts for ages)

"Oh for fuck sake! I froze up again!" Dark growled as he stormed into his house and threw himself on the sofa. Dark had been trying to ask his best friend out for months but every time he tries he always freezes up - his roommates were forever trying to help him but they could never seem to agree on the method. "Sweetie I've told you time and time again that you've got to seduce him," A female figure in a tiny black dress with fishnet tights appeared next to him this was Lust, "That's the way you'll win his heart." The male then scowled and tried to brush her away with his hand, knowing that her presence would cause the others to decide to join in too and not to be nasty but their advice usually wasn't helpful. "Everyone knows that food is the way to a man's heart!" Gluttony yelled stomping into the room whilst munching on a cookie in his hand, "It's common sense." Lust shook her head clearly disagreeing, "No! The way to win him over is to sleep with him!" The two started arguing and Dark sighed heavily. "You guys aren't helping," He muttered but of course the two roommates weren't listening. "What's all the ruckus about?" Came the voice of Envy as he walked into the room his arms crossed over his chest, his dark hair falling over one eye and blocking part of his sight as he looked Gluttony and Lust up and down seeming annoyed at being left out of the conversation. The two sins turned to Envy and said in complete sync, "We're trying to help him ask Anti out."
Envy rolled his eyes or rather the one visible eye rolled whether the other one did or not was a mystery as you could never be sure with Envy. "You make him jealous obviously," He stated in the same time a lot of people would state, "It's a dead rat." Basically like it was extremely obvious. Now that one wasn't a bad idea.

Dark decided to follow Envy's advice must to the disliking of the other six sins... especially the ones who hadn't even got to get across what they thought would be the best way to win Anti's heart... well apart from Pride who claimed she'd never fall for such riffraff but that was just Pride no one took what she said to heart. That day Dark had taken Envy out on a 'date' considering he wanted to see how his advice went down. The two went to the restaurant that Anti worked at and asked for a table for two. Just as Envy had hoped for Anti was the one to serve him and he seemed slightly skeptical as he walked over to their table and whipped out his notebook to take their order. "So whose this Dark? You usually don't have company," The waiter asked, raising an eyebrow, he didn't really seem all that impressed but his reaction caused Envy to grin so Dark believed he'd had the correct affect on Anti. "This is my date... Ennis," Dark introduced almost slipping up and calling Envy by his actual name. There was a glimmer of something in Anti's eyes however he plastered a fake smile on his face, "Ah well Dark's never mentioned you before but it's nice to meet you Ennis." There was a sudden sharpness to his voice which took Dark by surprise. It appeared overall that Envy's attempt had failed as it had just made Anti sharp with Dark but he didn't suddenly confess an undying love or anything along those lines so Dark classed it as a fail.

"Envy's idea was a complete and utter disaster! Now he's being distant with me cause he thinks I have a boyfriend!" Dark yelled as he threw himself back down on the same sofa as before. "Listening to Envy was a mistake," Lust stated, sitting down on the same remaining amount of the sofa, "How about this time you take my advice?" She smirked and put a finger under Dark's chin lifting it up so that they were looking directly into each other's eyes. "You need to seduce him." She seemed convinced that was the correct method to win Anti over. Taking her conviction into account Dark decided to trust her.

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