152. Reassurance

107 5 2


None boyos

Lmao this is slightly based off the fact that I just messaged my mate like, "Hey lol we're actually friends right?"

Also being a big gay right now cuddled up in my girlfriend's hoodie with Yin

279 (short but sweet)


It was common knowledge that Virgil was anxious like he was literally the embodiment of anxiety. He needed reassurance every now and again with his friends, or rather family as he referred to them as, just to be sure that they did actually like him.

Virgil hated the anxious thoughts and dreams he could get at night and would wake with a fright thinking that everyone hated him and that he was alone which would cause him to sleepily message people at around two in the morning asking if they were genuinely friends and then he'd forget about sending the message in the morning and feel bad... it was a loop.

However Virgil was lucky in that his friends and boyfriend were willing to remind him that they didn't actually hate him. The most recent one had been with Logan but he had reassured and it was a massive relief and he felt a giant weight off his shoulders.

Roman was the best with it, he seemed to understand Virgil more than anyone else, and he was certainly the best at dealing with his boyfriend's anxiety. Virgil loved Roman so much for that, the creative-trait was the best thing that happened to the boy and he couldn't believe his luck.

Virgil couldn't ask for a better boyfriend or a better set of friends, they helped him with everything and to him they were essentially family.

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