31. Reset

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You'll just see


Once again you'll see

I got this idea from a mystic messenger oneshot my friend showed me (I have not played the game although she's obsessed with it... I may get it, if Apple let's me)
Also I did publish this then take it down because I wanted to change it a bit

275 (really short I'm sorry)


"I love you Seán McLoughlin."

His eyes
His grin
His beautiful voice
They're exactly as I remember
Everything is as I remember

He's beautiful like a work of art
My gorgeous Irishman
Or rather I wish he was mine

He reset everything
Erased me from his mind
I was left alone
Forgotten in the dust

You told me you loved me
You told me you cared
Yet you went and reset our love

Jack you don't remember me
We're meeting for the first time
I've seen you fall for all the others
Flirting, laughing, just being happy
It makes me jealous
I miss you
I miss us

Although this all just a game
I can't deny my love for you is real
Maybe I can woe you back with my words
I can't bear to lose you again
To see you fall in love with another

We talk
You don't remember me
Our 100th hello is always our first
And our final goodbye always hurts me the most

I want to say 'I do'
Hold you and kiss you
Call you mine forever
But every time I come near
The game is over
Reset is near

Please give my number a chance
And this time please
Don't reset

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