136. Deceitful Love

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This'll probably be a two-parter

I had writers block for a bit so I got this idea watching Indian Jones and that's only cause of one line where he said, "You like a Princess."

Also I wrote this all out and it deleted 1000 words of it so now it's gonna be fucking shit and I was so proud of it the first time like I genuinely cried because it deleted itself I was that upset (it was written so much better the first time but now I'm tired)



"Presenting Princess Viola of Strangia," Patton announced and bowed at Prince Roman who was currently having princesses sent to his palace so he could find one he intended to marry. The prince looked rather bored but he nodded allowing Patton, one of his two royal advisors, to open the door and let the Princess in. Once she walked in his jaw dropped, she was gorgeous. Viola had flowing black hair, misty dark eyes and plump lips just everything about her was beautiful and he also adored her purple ballgown cause he found it suited her figure rather well. "It's a pleasure your highness," She spoke clearly and curtsied. Roman found his heart pounding in his chest and thought maybe being forced to have a wife wasn't such a bad thing if her personality matched her looks. "The pleasure is all mine Princess," He got up off his throne and walked over to her gently taking her hand and kissing it. A small blush dusted her cheeks as if this was the first time that anyone had acted this way towards her but Roman doubted that seeing as she was a princess. "You must forgive how bored I must have looked when you walked in Viola, you see as you're aware, I am being forced to find a wife and all the others that came before you did not come anywhere near your beauty," The prince flirted and gave her a small wink. "Don't get ahead of yourself charming I'm not that easy," Viola smirked in such a way that caused Roman's heart to race. "I always love a challenge," The prince grinned.

Viola did prove to be a challenge too as they met more and more frequently and Roman was falling in love and he was sure Viola was too. He found himself wanting to spend all his time with her and he wanted her to live in the same palace as him. He'd never been to Strangia and in fact he'd never even looked the place up before he met Viola... well he didn't look it up Logan, the second royal advisor, did and Logan had visited there many times in his youth before finally settling down in the royal city seeing as his age was catching up with him. Strangia sounded beautiful but whenever he asked Viola about going she always brushed it off but he assumed that she would let him see her home once they were married. He found himself fantasying more about marrying Viola and eventually he ended up confining in Patton and Logan about it who both suggested that he should ask for her hand as surely she would agree. Logan suggested proposing to her in the royal garden as he hadn't showed her it yet and that Roman shouldn't have guards around him whilst he proposed cause the poor girl then might feel forced to say yes which wouldn't be fair.

The day came where Roman was going to propose and he had the engagement in his pocket and all the guards were made aware of what was happening so that they would leave him alone for it, Patton had only agreed to leave them alone if Prince Roman promised to give him all the details later that evening and quite happily Roman agreed, Viola would soon be his wife. The 'couple' were in the garden when Roman sent the guards away so that he could make his move but he was so memorised by Viola's beauty and how interested she looked in everything that he found himself just staring at her that's when he realised she was looking around with an arched eyebrow. "You sent the guards away?" Viola questioned sounding intrigued. "I did there is no guard for miles it's just the two of us," Roman replied smiling widely. Viola then moved forward putting her hands on Roman's chest, "Interesting, no guards at all?" The Prince was confused as to why that's what she was focusing on the most and not the reason as to why but he nodded confirming what she was saying. That's when Viola's lips formed a sinister smirk, "Finally. I've been wanting to get you on your own for ages." The prince smirked at that, "Oh really?~" Viola yanked at the front of her dress making Roman's smirk widen he didn't even need to wait until marriage... or that's what he though. She ripped the dress off to reveal that she was wearing clothes underneath - tight black jeans and a black t-shirt along with a belt which had a walkie-talkie along with a range of knives and guns. She held the walkie-talkie up to her lips and smirked, "Your plan worked." She then turned to Roman and put her hand to the top of her head pulling and the long mass of black hair came tumbling off revealing short violet hair underneath. That was when Roman realised that her breasts had also vanished when she'd taken off the dress... his Viola... his princess was a guy? She or rather he swished his hands forming some sort of shadows in his hands which engulfed Roman's body whole until his world went black. "Night night Charming."

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