90. Hypnosis

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Sexual references and slightly rough

I need to get back into writing... I've been sucked into musicals fandoms lately I was low-key debating whether to write a Boyf riends oneshot or not (from Be More Chill)


"Seriously? Jack you know that stuff is faked right?" Mark asked his green haired best friend who was excitedly dragging the redhead down to Madame Hootch's - an hypnosis parlour where they let you 'hypnotise' your friends into doing whatever you want. Mark believed this was all nonsense but Jack thought even if it was it would still be a fun thing to try so reluctantly he'd agreed to go. "C'mon Markimoo even if it is fake it'll still be fun," Jack whined taking Mark's hand and looked at his friend desperately. The redhead chuckled and smiled, "Aww, fine but only because I can't say no to you." He gently bopped Jack's nose. The Irishman blushed slightly, "U-Ugh Mark..." He started trying to form a sentence but failed, he just sighed and took a step back from the redhead who was smirking at him. "Leave the moaning until later babe," Mark joked chuckling as he saw his friend blush deeply and attempt to string together a sentence but all he did was stutter embarrassed. 'Why did Mark say that to me? He is only a friend... He only meant it as joke Jack!' The Irishman scowled himself. The redhead gamer raised an eyebrow, "You gonna stay in thought forever or are we actually going to go?" He joked. The Irishman stuttered as he spoke, "S-Sorry l-lets go."

~We just got a Timeskip I wonder what it doe-~

"I sense a trouble in feelings between you two young friends," A female voice spoke and an old woman stepped out from behind a counter, she was draped in a green cloak that covered her face, "However all will be revealed during the acts of the hypnosis."
Jack sat down taking in every word the old woman told them. Mark on the other hand was more doubting, he frowned and was tempted to question the woman however when he saw the look of wonder on his friend's face he just couldn't bear to question and ruin the younger's dream.
"So how does this work? I mean how do we go about doing this?" Mark asked rising an eyebrow and looking the woman directly in the eyes. Madame Hootch smirked a little a strange feature to see on an old woman. "The process is quite simple, you'll be given a drink and the one who is going to hypnotise you will whisper into the liquid what they wish for you to do. You shall drink deeply from the bottle and well the rest will be whatever the other wishes to happen," Madame Hootch grinned, "I shall leave you two alone for the process because I sense I know what shall happen. . . Just close up when you're done." The woman left.

Jack giggled and picked up one of the drinks and passed it to Mark, "Considering you don't believe this is true can I do it to you first?" He practically begged giving his friend giant puppy eyes. The gamer awwed and smiled, "You're so adorable." He said without meaning too. Jack blushed and turned his back pretending to be studying the bottles, "So is that a yes?" The redhead chuckled, "It's a yes."
The Irishman smiled and opened one of the bottles, inhaling the sweet smell, he leaned so his lips were almost touching the rim of the bottle, thinking about what he could possibly make Mark do. A sudden thought popped into his head, he could ask Mark a question he'd always wondered, he could see what the redhead would do if Jack was his. If Mark seemed disgusted by the question he could lie and say it was simply for research. . . For the fans. He pressed his lips to the rim and whispered, "what would you do if I was yours?" He then passed the drink to Mark hoping he hadn't heard. The redhead didn't seem to have heard, he grinned and took the drink, "Bottoms up." He drank deeply. His eyes changed as he drank they went from a chocolate brown to a deep pink.

"Well Jackiebaby what would I do if you were mine?~" Mark smirked and spoke in a low seductive voice, he walked over to Jack backing him into the wall causing the Irishman to squirm slightly. He lifted Jack's head with his fingers making the Irishman look him in the eyes. The green haired male gulped thickly. "The answer is simple really baby~" there was something about that name that caused a shiver to go down Jack's spine. "I would start kissing down your neck finding every single spot you like, listen to you moan as I teased you, I'd make you mine and only mine~" Mark smirked as Jack let out a small aroused whimper. He started kissing down his friend's neck, searching for the Irishman's sweet spot. He knew he'd found it when Jack let out a long moan, "M-Mark~" He continued kissing until he covered Jack's whole neck in bright red hickeys.

"Of course that would only be the start, next I would have you down on your knees," The redhead lowered Jack to his knees, the male didn't have the willpower to stop him. "Desperate for me and me alone." The Irishman let out a small whine as he looked up at Mark, unable to do anything. "Ah ah ah," The redhead tutted, "Be a good boy and don't make a sound until I tell you to."
Jack hung his head obediently, "Y-Yes Mark."
"You know that's not what I want you to call me. . . Don't you baby?" Mark smirked.
"S-Sorry M-Master~"

The redhead let out an aroused groan at the name and smirked, petting the green haired male seeming pleased. "good boy." He smirked and looked down at the younger on his knees an obvious problem evident in his jeans. He seemed to be panting in need and want. "P-Please M-Master~" Jack begged. He knew Mark had given him permission to speak but he hoped Mark would let it slide. As it happened the redhead did let it slide.

He leaned in front of Jack his face only inches away from the younger's and smirked, "What do you want baby?"
"Please d-don't make m-me say it."
"Guess I won't be doing anything then."
"I need you Master. . . Please f-fuck me, c-claim me a-as yours, I-I want you so badly."

"That's what I wanted to hear baby," Mark smirked, his eyes now chocolate brown. Jack looked him in the eyes and whimpered a little, "I-It wore off." The male chuckled, "It wore off about ten minutes ago. . . Now are you still going to let Master fuck you?"


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