170. Although they are beautiful I cannot breathe

93 5 10

Noah x Tyler

Hanahaki Disease? 

Written for ScottyGonzaela as they requested :3 (take it as a thank you for cheering me up today)

563 (ending up to you decide what you think should happen... although I'm rather proud of this one)


"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Noah stared down at his hand which was coated in blood and petals from his coughing fit, he'd only ever heard of Hanahaki Disease in fanfiction and hadn't actually believed it was real yet here it was, "Great this is just perfect." He flopped back on his bed and looked at his phone which buzzed with a text from Tyler, his crush, the text was simply replying to their roleplay although with some random conversation they were having. He'd been fine until a few weeks back not too long after his birthday actually.

He'd been pining for Tyler for about three years and he was finally getting his chance he was kissing Tyler... only it was late and it was awkward. Both felt the awkwardness and they just ignored it and spoke about random stuff for the rest of the night however about a week later Tyler messaged saying he thought they were better as friends and although it broke Noah's heart he agreed with him not wanting to come across as clingy. That was when this had started, he'd began coughing up flowers. Unreciprocated love that's what that message had confirmed. Tyler didn't feel the same.

Noah had accepted his fate and he knew he was going to die as he didn't want to have the surgery... he'd rather die than live a loveless life although before Tyler he'd never truly believed in love but the boy had taught him and he'd fallen deeply. He only a few days left and he knew it, the coughing was getting worse and more frequent there was more blood and more petals. He was still going to school though he wanted to see Tyler and his friends even though it hurt him. He'd managed to hide the disease from everyone but randomly excusing himself to the bathroom or coughing into a hanky.

The next day, the one he was sure would be his last, he went to school and met up with Tyler and the group in the morning. Tyler had been worried about Noah recently and he knew his friend was hiding something so when Noah excused himself to go to the bathroom during break he followed him being careful to stay out of sight. "God this hurts so much," Noah whimpered before falling into another coughing fit blood dripping down his chin and petals falling into the sink, he looked up at his reflection in the mirror and saw a broken man with bags under his eyes and a pale face... then he saw Tyler in the background and he jumped around. "How long?" Was all Tyler asked, he knew the disease although like Noah he had previously believed it was fantasy. "A couple of weeks," Noah replied shortly, wiping his chin and not meeting his crush's eye, he didn't want Tyler to see him like this. "Whose causing it?" He asked, he already knew the answer he was sure of it Noah sent him several cryptic messages because the boy was too anxious to outright tell him but Tyler had gotten the message.

"You made flowers grow in my lungs and, although they are beautiful, I cannot breathe."

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