38. Empty

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I'm just writing shit so we'll see how this goes

No eye deer

I'm a magical walrus

Still no eye deer

227 (This is sooo bad and short i'm sorry)


"Nathan Sharp you mean nothing to me!"

Those words tore a hole in Nate's heart as they fell from Mat's lips. Usually after a fight Mat would immediately rush to the ebony's side and beg for forgiveness and Nate would chuckle, tell him he meant everything to him then the two lovers would cuddle however this time was different Mat had left three days ago, he refused to answer his phone and the musician had no idea where he was. Nate felt nothing at all he just felt empty.

'Mathew Patrick I hate you! I always have hated you!'

Mat stayed curled up in a small ball crying his eyes out in a hotel, he couldn't bear to go back and face his lover, not after what Nate had said to him. Tears stained his cheeks as he listened to his phone go off again, another call from Nate, he didn't answer. He felt broken, empty.

'I never want to see you again!'
'Good! Stay away from me!'

Neither had meant what they said but neither spoke up.

They just felt empty and alone.

There was only one way to rid this emptiness

One way to rid it forever

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