139. Is. Leave. Possible

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Prinxiety (in a sense)

None this is based around Oxenfree but no spoilers

Lmao I literally love Oxenfree so much but it also has made me jump so many fucking times and I'm going to see a horror movie tomorrow, god knows how I'm going to cope

521 (truthfully this isn't very good cause I didn't want to spoil the game for anyone lmao)


"So you and Roman use to come to this island a lot?" Patton asked smiling at his new step-brother Virgil, he was trying his hardest to be nice to him and he'd heard about Virgil's boyfriend and what had happened to him. "Yeah he thought it was romantic personally I don't find Edwards island all that romantic but..." Virgil chuckled and slipped down the rocks onto the path near the river. They were trying to find their way to their friend Logan as they'd all be spilt apart when Patton and Virgil had tuned into something in the cave... after that everything had gone wild. Patton seemed to think that Virgil having a soft-side to his boyfriend was sweet, "You miss him, don't you?" The anxious boy laughed a little, "Of course I do."

"So you and Roman use to come to this island a lot?" Virgil's head whipped around and he saw himself and Patton were standing on top of the rocks again coming for the transport ferry. "Patton... you already asked me that," The younger of the two spoke calmly but inside his heart was pounding, he noticed that a fire had been lit that wasn't before, "That's new. Patton that wasn't lit when we came round the first time, was it?" The step-brother looked concerned, "Virgil this is the first time we've been this way."

"So you and Roman use to come to this island a lot?" Virgil wanted to scream, "Patton we're stuck in a loop, we've already done this twice." He slid off the rocks and this time he noticed a ball, "That's strange I use to have the same ball as this when I was a kid." He looked down at it. "Weird why would a toy company make two of the same ball?" Virgil just rolled his eyes and kicked the ball full force, "Take that... ball!" He exclaimed but both were taken by surprise when the ball rolled back to Virgil.

"Patton!" Virgil suddenly exclaimed realising he was now on his own with his step-brother gone. He slid down the rock again, "C'mon I did what you wanted! I even kicked the ball." He frowned when he noticed his reflection in the river staring back at him. "When the time comes tell Roman not to trust her," The reflection stated. "What? Roman is dead..." Virgil muttered confused.

"So you and Roman use to- wait we've done this before," Patton muttered back beside Virgil as another loop began. Virgil pulled the radio out of his pocket checking the frequencies but there was no hint and no calling the ghosts that had been taunting them all night, Virgil regretted answering their question in the cave. 'Is. Leave. Possible.' 'Uh... maybe?' That was what had sealed their fate.

"There's no escape."

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