6. Running out of time

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Nate is locked in a prison after previous events from his past.


Graphical violence (?)




Mat groaned in pain as he looked at his sprained ankle, he tried to run but instead he fell to the ground cutting his knees. Blood gushed from the wound, the theorist winced at the sight. He couldn't move, fear and pain were eating away at him. His breath was shaky and loud, he was certain people from miles away could hear it.

"Ohh Mat come out I don't bite... I just scratch~"

The theorist flinched at the voice of his fiancée calling him out to him, he didn't reply to his calls. Mat instead focused on breathing properly otherwise he knew the insane male would find him. He limped as he ran, falling over branches and into trees every now and again, the noise echoed through the park causing the blond to cringe.

His bright blood was painting the ground as he attempted to run, attempted to free himself. Mat did love Nate he couldn't deny that but the ebony had snapped, he'd gone completely mental and had threatened to kill Stephanie - Mat's best friend after murdering his old ex girlfriend Morgan Want who'd happily been getting on with her life.

The man loved was a shell of his former self and Mat had done a runner or at least he tried to only Nate had caught him and had refused to let him leave. The theorist was terrified, life for him had become like a horror movie only there was one difference this was real. He just kept running unsure of where he was running too and at this point was certain he was just running in circles.

"Matty I can hear you, I know your near by come on sweetheart you know I love you now come out I don't want to have to hurt you."

Part of the theorist wanted to run straight into his fiancée's arms knowing he'd at least be safe from being killed and he did truly love Nate despite everything he did but Mat couldn't he knew he couldn't.

His running was starting to slow down and his movements were becoming slower as blood loss was starting to effect him, he stumbled as he ran and fell to the ground panting loudly. He let out loud moans of pain as he looked at his shredded bloody body, he could barely walk with his sprained ankle and the pain that was sparking through him.

Mat prayed silently that his crazy lover wouldn't find him, he closed his eyes and lent back, steading his breathing and tried to convince himself he was okay, that he wasn't about to die.

Pain fired through him and he let out another blood curdling yelp, he hoped somebody would come and save him from the nightmare he was living in but nobody came to his recuse and he lay there for what felt like hours but was probably only half an hour.

"My love why did you run? You've gone and gotten yourself hurt."

Nate scooped up his fiancée and gently kissed the top of his head and lovingly rocked him as if he were a baby, despite his flaws Mat knew the murderer really did love him.

The theorist scanned the male and from what was visible in his blurry sight, his clothes were blood stained but the blood was not Nate's own. Mat wanted to believe that it was his blood that had bleed into the ebony as he carried him, slowly he closed his eyes and lent into the male his breathing heavy and unbalanced everything hurt but he ignored the pain and focused on sleep.

"Mat never leave me please."

Police sirens sounded loudly as Nate exited the park his bloody fiancée in his arms, a neighbour must have heard what was happening and called them. The ebony knew there was no escape for him so he walked straight towards them the sleeping beaten male in his arms.

"Nathan Sharp and I plead guilty on charges of murder, assault and kidnapping but please take care of Mat."

The murderer passed them Mat but not before kissing his fiancée's soft lips but they didn't kiss back, he was out cold and Nate knew that. He gently stroked the male's face before whispering,

"Goodbye, I love you."

And that's out Nathan Sharp got arrested, just to protect the one he loved and despite his crimes a few of the police officers admired him for that as they handcuffed him and sent the ebony away to prison where he was to spend a very very long time.

12 years later

The murderer made his way down the halls of the prison to where he'd first given over his things being his last day they'd chosen to give him his engagement ring back for the event.

"Hey Nathan, it's your last day how you feeling?" The Sargent asked with a tone of sympathy laced in his voice.
Nate just shrugged and muttered,
"Terrified but at least I get to see Mat again."

The ebony knew time was running out as he was taken down the long swirling hallways of the prison, prisoners called out to him - some nasty comments some sympathising either way the murderer ignored them and didn't make any eye contact as he walked swiftly his eyes burning into the door at the end of the corridor, his escape. 

They leaded him through the door and sat him down strapping him to the chair so he wouldn't run away.

He was out of time

"See you soon Mat."

One of the officers pulled down on the lever and shards of electricity burned through his veins, his whole body was on fire from the agony but he only thought forward and smiled.

The truth being Mat had died in that hospital bed at his hands twelve years ago and he couldn't wait to be able to say sorry face to face.

Nate's time had finally ran out.

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