111. No more sparks

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Bo Burnham is definitely inspiration music to listen to whilst writing this (I need to stop putting my playlist on shuffle)



It had been at least three years since Lance and Keith had last seen each other. The divorce was final and both agreed it was for the best there was no spark anymore. However this day they had to see each other to talk things over. Lance paced back and forth thinking to himself as the doorbell went letting him know his guest had arrived. With a heavy sigh the male reluctantly went to the door and opened being greeted with his ex-lover. "Hey, your stuff is upstairs... it took you long enough to come and get it," Lance muttered not meeting Keith's eyes. The dark-haired male didn't say anything and he simply walked past Lance up the stairs to the bedroom they once shared, that's when he faltered slightly as he felt tears arise but he managed to push them back and prevent himself from crying. Keith had agreed to come to their old home to pick his belongs up, yes, but they were supposed to be talking things over too but it seemed like Lance didn't exactly want to talk and how could Keith blame him? That night wasn't pleasant for either of them.

Whilst moving his boxes off of the bed he caught sight of a piece of paper with Lance's horrifically messy handwriting, out of plain curiosity he picked up the paper and read what was on it;

You stand there unaware
You watch him with love gleaming in your eyes
He smiles at you
It's subtle but it's there
And I can't help but wishing it was me instead
However life isn't that fair
And we're stuck in the roles were given
And I was lucky enough to be yours once
But now you're kissing him
All I can feel is my heart breaking
Watching your lips move in sync with his
I had my chance and I blew it
Now I've got to watch you with him
Unable to do anything
And you don't even see me
You've blocked me out

Keith had forgotten that Lance was a sort of writer, it was the career he would have loved to peruse but had never been able to due to a lack of money - it would be too risky for them. He traced the scribbly handwriting and felt the tears he'd fought back for so long start to fall, "Lance..." His voice was barely anything over a whisper and it broke as the tears continued to spill... did Lance still love him? But they'd both agreed there was no spark? Or had Lance lied simply to make things easier for Keith? That's when the dark-haired male started to feel like an idiot, of course Lance was still in love with him... the night they fought and the night they ended Lance had been the reluctant one.

Lance was still in love with Keith but there was no spark, at least not for him. He couldn't go through all that pain again just for it end the same way. He slipped the paper back where it had been pretending he had never read it and he managed to pile his boxes on top of each other before carrying them out. He pretended he couldn't hear Lance crying in the bathroom.

There was no spark

Unrequited love

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