150. Black Screen

142 4 4

None - based around Anti


Writing this during lunch because lmao no one is here so I'm all alone also got this idea in the middle of politics

I got two pieces of writing done though which was nice (well more accurately one and almost finished the other one) and people did come up so I got to hang out with two people during my double free before the end of the day



It's like an extension of your arm. A way to keep in touch with your friends. However it doesn't always have a positive affect, Anti knew that well.

He was often kept awake at night by nightmares where his friends hated him and being sent texts with them proclaiming so however he woke up and checked it would just show his lockscreen and although he was relieved that wasn't the case sometimes it hurt that no one was talking. That's the problem with technology because it's amazing and god Anti wouldn't be able to live without it at this point however it causes negative thoughts. If people aren't talking to you, why? Did he do something wrong? Are they mad? Do they simply not want to engage with him outside the required time?

It was stupid how much small thoughts could bother him and cause him to stay awake at night stricken with anxiety. The sick feeling in his stomach growing as he would beginning to recall the day before and think if there was anything he'd said that he shouldn't have. Then he would start to think about the way he acted and how he should have acted. Anti would stay up and stare at the ceiling for a while before eventually dozing into an uneasy sleep. When he awoke he would feel the tight clenching feeling in his chest all over again.

He didn't want to be without technology that's not what he was proposing but he eventually ended up taking breaks from it now and again and would push it to the back of his mind. He would write or read and escape what he believed was his truth for a while however he could long to go back on and check to see if the screen was still black.

It was dumb when you think that he felt this way all because of a black screen and a few stray thoughts.

But what if he'd done something wrong?

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