63. Funhouse

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Have you ever wondered how a fork feels compared to a knife? 

I'm working on writing people's requests along with a part 2 to some old one-shots also I have exams next week so someone save me!


Nathan Sharp

"You're son is going to be a model one day," A tall elderly women told Mrs. Sharp with a large smile as she took a medium sized sip from her wineglass. The proud mother straightened her back and grinned widely looking at her cute son whom was dancing in circles a wide smile on his face, the boy was around the age of five and a perfect angel like child, she wasn't smiling or dancing for any reason she was just always happy. Her mother was always happy too a smile permanently spread across her face, even when her lips were pressed in a frown. Nate's mother had slit her cheeks into a smile and attempted to sew her lips shut but failed when a neighbour stopped by and saw her bleeding from the face, after that everyone remained the same towards her despite her terrifying look, everyone has their issues.

Nathan Sharp a mere boy of
five was said to be the only non-insane human in the village of which they live not including Mrs. Fischbach the old woman whom had complimented Nadia. This ebony was suppose to be the only one that wouldn't go insane, that's what the whole village thought and that thought relaxed them.

The male up until the age of twelve grew like a normal child would, with a bright smile and laugh Nate was so full of light he never frowned or found fault in anyone and was fairly popular at his school, he was intelligent and still looked gorgeous with his brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He found nothing wrong with life until he started to get these strange feelings which he pushed off, trying to act like he didn't care and hide the fact that he was truly worried. A female named Kassie joined their school and was simply jealous of Nate so began to make fun of the boy, Nate took it until Kassie found out about his mother, than the male finally let the strange feelings he'd been having for months kick in.

"Kassie lets play a game," Nate told the female with a wide sickly smile. Kendall had a weakness for games as childish as it sounded, she accepted the request and demanded that was the one that got to hide first. To which Nate agreed to way more happy then he should have been. The game had begun, Kassie's last ever game, not that knew that at the time. Just a 'harmless' game of hide and seek between two kids that could barely stand each other. However nobody expect the two children knew the game was taking place.

A few days later Kassie was found her body broken and penetrated with shards of glass, her eyes were wide open and bloodshot a look of fear across her face, her ginger locks splattered with her own blood even her fingernails were splattered with blood underneath them. It was the perfect murder because despite all the scenery of the girl's death there was no possible visible way to track the murderer although deep down back in Nate's village everyone knew in their hearts who the killer was.

After Kassie there was many more deaths of females and males from Nate's school all who had said anything against Mrs. Sharp, Nate's mother it was oddly suspicious yet nobody outside of the village suspected the male of being the murder. The mother had to hand it to her son every death was more creative then the last.

The mother with her wide cut smile comforted her son after each murder since the male had ran with tears glittering in his eyes after killing Kassie. The mother Sheila had moulded the perfect murder out of Nate the sweet innocent boy.

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