101. Why should I worry

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Slight homophobia throughout the oneshot

This also gets quite deep at some parts

This is an AU where Keith has just been chucked out of his home for being gay and he finds a group of people who are going against the society which are against the LGBT rights movement and he finds Lance, a bisexual street rat

This was inspired by 'Why Should I worry' from the movie 'Oliver and Company' I don't how I feel about this oneshot being inspired from a movie about dogs and cats

Also I don't feel this way about New York it's only cause New York is mentioned in the song

2951 (this took so long you have no idea but I'm actually rather proud of this)

"Of course you had to be a faggot didn't you? You couldn't just be a normal kid!"

Those words still stung Keith has be sat on the pavement, he had no idea what to do now, he had nowhere to go and no one that would take him when they knew what he was. Homosexuality was frowned upon as it was seen as a sin against God and a sin against the human way of life, he knew the world spoke of an underworld of people in the LGBT community but he couldn't help but think that was just rumours. He looked down and frowned before hearing voices yelling and one of them sounded incredibly angry.

"You fucking queer! Come back! Is no one going to help me?" A shopkeeper screamed and a tanned brunet boy ran past, smirking back and the owner of the shop as he pulled at the a string of sausages around his neck which had clearly been stolen from the shop. "What are you going to do?" He called back, his voice having a taunting tone to it. Keith couldn't help but snicker a little bit at the sassy boy. The shopkeeper chased after the tanned boy managing to corner him, he had fire in his eyes, "You and the rest of your disgusting people ruin this town and give us a bad name to the rest of the city." The boy frowned and looked around frantically trying to think of something to do and that's when his eyes met Keith who had been following the chase out of curiosity also from the shopkeepers reaction he could assume this boy was part of the LGBT community. He looked so helpless backed up against the wall.

Keith acted without properly thinking his actions through, "Excuse me Sir but someone broke into your shop." He interrupted. The shopkeeper turned around expecting to be greeted by one of the boy's gang however he instead came fact to face with the Kogane kid who, at this point, he believed to be a good citizen who wouldn't lie to anyone and would only be trying to help him. "Thank you Keith... could you deal with this rat for me?" The shopkeeper asked, gesturing to the boy who was currently pressed up against the wall with the string of sausages still around his neck. Keith nodded, "Will do Mr. Rolo."

Once the shopkeeper was gone the boy flashed a flirtatious smirk at Keith, "You're not actually going to deal with me, are you pretty boy?" The raven-haired male shook his head, "I wouldn't have helped you if I was going to hand in you or something like that." He ignored the compliment given by the boy, he hated to admit it but up-close like this he could see how attractive the other male was and it was moments like this that made him remember how gay he was.

The boy then grabbed Keith's hand and dragged him along to a part of town which wasn't too far away where construction was being done so that they're were barely any people around, "So why did someone like you help me?" The boy asked. Keith, although he knew this boy was some form of LGBT, suddenly felt nervous about coming out to this stranger before he swallowed the lump in his throat and answered, "Cause I'm gay and I'm terrified cause I've just been thrown on the street but from the way Mr. Rolo was speaking that you were similar to me... and I just wanted some advice and to talk to you..." The boy's eyes softened and he gave a small smile before it twisted into a smirk, "Well my first piece of street advice for you is don't trust anyone else and only look out for number one which is you." Keith nodded listening and taking a mental note of the advice he was given by the boy but he also took the time to drink in the boy's attractive features without it looking like he was checking him out.

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