176. Glass hearts

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Mentions of depression? (Maybe I don't know)

I apologise for the ventish oneshot it's not been a good day... some of it was good and other parts really weren't 

340 (short and most definitely not sweet)

To Anti people were essentially made of glass. They were fragile and easy to break and they were all beautiful. The glass could easily be dropped unintentionally or intentionally causing it to shatter in pieces right in front of your eyes, it would take time to repair what has been broken. If you try to pick it up without a plan you'll get cut and bleed, the pain will last for quite a while, and if you leave it alone it's a safety hazard therefore the pieces must be picked up.

Anti had his far share of being smashed, watching his glass shatter and attempt to leave it alone only for people he cares about to step on it and get hurt. Whenever he goes to pick it up though he ends up slicing his hands, getting hurt himself however it's better than letting those he cares about getting hurt, especially Dark, he tries to hide the pieces but they kept getting found and hurting people. He hates it. Anti hates seeing his own shattered pieces that's why he tries to hide them.

He knows how easy it is to accidentally shatter someone else and he's terrified of it... he knows the way he treats Dark isn't the best but he's so scared of being shattered again... of having his glass broken again. He loves Dark greatly and often worries he's shattering his boyfriend's glass and eventually he will break and leave cause everyone does whether they mean to or not. Dark doesn't deserve to be shattered neither does anyone Anti cares about and he constantly worries about them being cut because of his shattered areas, it's not fair to cut others because he's hurting.

The thing about pain is everyone tells you it dulls with time... physically sure but emotionally that's unfortunately not the case

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