43. Don't Deserve You

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Septiplier (I am working on a Natepat oneshot I swear XD)

Idk but it'll be fluffy

Fluff I promise!

None (?)

I made a Chatroom book if anyone wants to check that out XD


You're the first face that I see
And the last thing I think about
You're the reason that I'm alive
You're what I can't live without
You're what I can't live without

"Seán William McLoughlin I love you so fucking much!" Mark exclaimed hugging the surprised male. Jack giggled and hugged his boyfriend back smiling and kissing his lips, "I love you too Mark Edward Fischbach."
Mark had the habit of just randomly reminding Jack how much he loved him and it made the Irishman feel happy no matter how upset he'd been previously just hearing those words leave his boyfriend's lips. Those three simple words: I love you

The two gamers had made no effort to hide their relationship and love for each other. Expressing it in little ways every day, small kisses, cuddles, even just eye contact. Silences don't have to be awkward if you're with the right person they can sometimes be better than talking.

Jack will admit he can make mistakes but no matter what he does Mark will always pick him up and remind him that he's the most important thing in his life.

You never give up
When I'm falling apart
Your arms are always open wide
And you're quick to forgive
When I make a mistake
You love me in the blink of an eye

Everything about their relationship was beautiful. Of course like all relationships there were fights and threats of breaking up however the two a few minutes later would burst into tears confessing their love for the other over and over again.

"You're so beautiful," Mark smiled widely looking at Jack with a dazed love struck look. The Irishman blushed, "Shut up... I'm a mess." He gestured to his clothing which was covered in the food he'd just been eating. Mark chuckled, "I can only see beauty." He brushed a lock of Jack's green messy hair behind his ear and looked him in the eyes. "Only beauty," he repeated kissing him softly.

Jack squeaked a little surprised but immediately kissed him back, his shoulders dropping from their previous tense position. "I love you," Mark whispered lovingly.

I don't deserve your love
But you give it to me anyway
Can't get enough
You're everything I need
And when I walk away
You take off running and come right after me
It's what you do
And I don't deserve you

"JACK WAIT!" The redhead gamer yelled chasing Jack down the street not caring what other people thought as he ran into them. All that mattered was Jack. He chased him eventually catching him, he grabbed the Irishman's hand and pulled him close to his chest. "I'm so sorry baby... I didn't mean anything I said, you're my whole world, my everything, nothing could even compare to you... You're beautiful, perfect, loving just everything... I don't deserve you."

"No Mark... I don't deserve someone as perfect as you," Jack smiled softly and looked up at him, his eyes slightly red and puffy. Mark wiped away any remains of tears and kissed him gently and lovingly.

"THAT'S FUCKING GAY!" Someone yelled. Jack froze at the insult a small whimper escaping him. Mark growled and pulled away from his kiss and wrapped an arm around Jack, "YEAH! I AM FUCKING GAY! AND THIS BEAUTY HERE IS MINE." The green haired male rolled his eyes and giggled a little. Mark awed at the sound loving Jack's giggle, "Now where were we beautiful?" He asked, "Oh wait I remember." He dipped the younger and kissed him deeply flipping the insulter off.

I don't deserve a chance like this
I don't deserve a love that gives me everything
You're everything I want

"And I will see you in the next video buh bye," Mark waved finishing his video off. Jack giggled next to him, "You so cheated!" He playfully punched Mark's arm. "No you're just bad at GangBeasts."

Jack pouted and looked at his boyfriend, "You cheated!" He repeated. Mark chuckled deeply, "You can be such a child sometimes... And it's adorable." He smiled lovingly. "Shut up," Jack pouted more crossing his arms.

Mark smirked and started ticking the Irishman until he was laughing loudly and pleading Mark to stop, tears running down his face from laughing.

I don't deserve your love
But you give it to me anyway
Can't get enough
You're everything I need
And when I walk away
You take off running and come right after me
It's what you do
And I don't deserve you
And I don't deserve you

"Seán William McLoughlin I love you more anything in this world, you're my everything... I've loved you ever since our first video... You are the most amazing thing so will you marry me?"

Jack looked at Mark completely shocked and nodded tears running down his face. "YES! FUCK YES!" He jumped into Mark's arms.

Mark spun his boyfriend in a circle, slipping the ring on his fiancé's finger.

"I don't deserve you."

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