53. You are my sunshine

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I'm sorry (no I'm not and I swear I'm not a sadist)

306 (you might all hate me)



Gun smoke filled the air the smell intoxicating. It caught in Mark's throat as he coughed thickly through the smoke, he could barely see but he saw the culprit run away, the shooter had ran so fast there was no way that Mark could catch them.

Pain filled whimpers exited the lips of her boyfriend who was rested in Mark's arms, blood thickly dripping from the bullet wound in his chest. Tears filled his eyes as he looked down at Jack. "Baby it's okay, it'll all be okay I promise," He told him holding back his whimpers and cries. Jack wasn't going to be okay.

"Please don't lie to me Markimoo," Jack chuckled weakly, his chuckle causing him to cough up blood and whimper from more pain. The half-Korean clenched his teeth in anger, how could someone hurt his beautiful Irishman. He didn't deserve it. "I could have stopped it, I could have taken that bullet instead," Mark whimpered as tears rolled down his cheeks. "Please don't blame yourself," Jack begged.

Mark called an ambulance praying that they would get to their location in time and hopefully find the person who did this.

"Marky..." Jack called out his voice weak, "Can you sing for me?"

The black-haired male nodded and slowly began singing to his lover, choking on his words slightly,
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away"

Jack's eyes slowly closed as Mark sang, a small smile on his face as his breathes became less and less and his chest stopped moving. His heart stopped beating.

"Please don't take my sunshine away"

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