52. Furbies are creepy

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After playing a game called Tattletail Nate developes a fear of furbies

I am so sorry about the random shit I posted last night I don't even know what I was doing 😂

Also I've added a current book status to my bio so you can read about the updates plans for my books if they'll be frequent or not and see if I've got any new books planned (which I do 🌚)

410 (really stupid and short... Oops)


"Hahahaha fuck no!" Nate yelled throwing his keyboard out of fear as he continued playing the game the fans had suggested to him. "Why do you guys do this to me?!" He asked looking at the camera. Eventually he got so done he stopped playing, "Sorry but no!" He raged and left the room.

Now Mat had a toy furbie that he had since he was six, he kept it in the house for reasons which were unknown even to himself. It was dark as Nate was walking to the bedroom to join his love however in the darkness he saw a shape so he turned to the shape and squinted his eyes, he immediately screamed in pure terror as he was greeted with the furbie.

Mat assuming something was wrong ran through to the living room and burst out laughing as he saw what his boyfriend was screaming about. "Nate really?" He questioned through his laughter. "Furbies are fucking creepy!" He yelled as he grabbed the furbie and threw it into the bin. Mat rolled his eyes and let out a sigh of frustration, "Go to bed Nate." He told him chuckling slightly. The musician did as his boyfriend requested and went to bed.

Mat fished the furbie out the bin and sighed setting it back up on their fireplace, chuckling, "Guess furbies are a little creepy looking." He smirked and took it back down and walked into his shared room with Nate. He held it up and said in the creepiest voice he could mange, "I'm coming to get you." 

The ebony screamed, full blown screamed and threw the pillow at the toy causing Mat to erupt into laughter. "MATHEW PATRICK YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He yelled angrily, "OH NOW YOU'RE GOING TO GET IT!" He dived onto his boyfriend. "You're so going to get punished~" He whispered seductively into his ear.

Mat's punishment was to play the whole Tattletail game and once he was done the furbie was thrown out for good.

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