83. Landlords

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Eh... Idk? My gay ass
Nate and Mat owe a pub in this btw

I swearrrr the Svtof oneshot will be out in a few days time however I want to make sure it's good and I suddenly got this idea

977 (lowkey this is one of my favourite oneshots I've written so enjoy)


"Did you see that little boy?" Nate asked his husband sighing as they were cleaning the pub. Mat looked up as he was walking around with a bottle of drink, examining it, "Can you manage finding a bloody bullseyes brown?" He was avoiding answering Nate's question. "I asked you a question... Did you see that little boy?" He asked again. "Yeah I saw him," Mat replied shortly. "Do you know what day it is?" He questioned his husband looking at him. Mat avoided his glance, "Another working one," He put the bullseyes brown bottle down.

He took a glass over to the pump and was away to pour himself a drink. "Don't." Mat stopped and looked at his husband who was glaring at him, "Why? You do." Nate growled, "I can stop.... Fine whatever why should I stop you." "Good. For a second there it almost sounded like you cared!" The brunet landlord spat with venom laced in his voice. "Is that how it is... One little explosion, Two little explosions, have a drink, carry on... That's how it's being going on for years! I want to talk about things!" Mat looked surprised as Nate's outburst and looked up at him, "Well I don't want to." The ebony landlord sighed heavily, "How else am I supposed to get it out then? I've got no one to love it out of me, I've got no one to beat it out of me... Just a blank man! That's all you are!" He yelled angrily, kicking the bar.

Nate simply kicked the pub again.

Mat raised his hand to Nate and the ebony landlord grabbed his husband's wrist tightly, "Hit me! But hit me hard!" He let go of Mat's wrist but waited for the impact but it never came, he'd dropped his arm to his side. "I hate you," The burnet told Nate. "I hate you harder." The two glared at each other as where there had once been an a love that appeared unbreakable there was only a cold hatred. "Then why in these precious hours that we have to ourselves... Why do we spend them on each other?"


Silence. Deafing sickly silence.

"God it's been so long since I've said it... why does it feel like poison on my lips?" Nate questioned sighing as he leaned against the bar, thinking to himself. Mat didn't say anything, he just looked down, biting his lip. "Say something goddamn it... you blank man!" Nate yelled angry with his husband. "I told you, I don't want to talk about it!" Mat snapped. Nate knocked various different bottles off the bar not even flinching when the glass broke, it seemed like the smashing sound almost relaxed him, "Do you want me to clean that side too?" He growled. "Stop." "Why I thought you liked things being tossed worthlessly on the ground just to be tossed out?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yes you do."

Mat avoided his husband by starting to stack chairs onto the tables but as he did so Nate picked up a broken piece of glass and held it towards Mat, "Talk to me." The burnet landlord moved the glass so it was against his neck, "Go ahead, shove it in where it's soft, I don't care." Nate dropped the glass, "What's happened to us?"

"I missed when we were all loved, when we were all loving, when we fought like we do now it was all very funny... because what lay beneath the surface was love now all that remains is hatred..." Mat looked down and sighed, "I used to sit him up on the bar and everyone would come and talk to him, oh how we would have laugh... god how you die when you're five years old!" He exclaimed seeming close to tears.

"You blamed me," Nate spoke his voice soft as if he was about to break at any second. "You were driving."

Once again there was a deafing silence. No words were spoken only looks were exchanged before Mat spoke up, "I never blamed you..."
"Yes you did!"
"No I didn't!"
"Who did you blame then? Yourself?"
"Who did you blame then? Him?"
"Of course not... don't bring him into this!"
"What leave him out of it like he never lexisted in the first place?!"

Tears were brimming in Nate's eyes and he hugged himself, "We were flung, I saw him, his little mouth wide open. Black and red, black and red then nothing. When I came to at the hospital I knew he was gone. Later the nurse came and told me. Later you came. You told me they couldn't keep his body preserved while I was in the coma. I never got to see him in his suit... I saw him... his little mouth wide open. The cotton of the blanket threaded with blood..." He looked up at his husband hoping for at least a single sympathetic glance but he got nothing, just a blank look, "Then I came back here and that's when the cold sunk it... so cold... We stood like strangers in that room upstairs and we've stood like that ever since."

"I'll bring his picture down tomorrow..." Mat promised Nate. "I'd like that." They looked at each other as if there were going to hug but then backed away. "I'll cash up tomorrow." "I'll lock up."

More silence.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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