69. Cops and Robbers

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Who even knows

Sorry this isn't lemon considering it's the 69th chapter and if anyone cares I failed French... So that's fun



The raven haired man woke up and rubbed his head suffering a terrible hangover from the night before, he glanced over to his right and saw next to him fast asleep a blonde haired female with a rather pointy nose. He smirked to himself as he rose to his feet avoiding awaking the sleeping girl.

Going to the kitchen and opening up the drawers he found what he was looking for a butchers knife, quickly he grabbed it and made his way back to where the unsuspecting female was sleeping.

Slowly he pried the covers off revealing her naked body she shivered due to the cold air but did not wake up.

A smirk made it's way on to the male's face as he drove the knife into her pale skin she woke up screaming in pain her ocean blue eyes connected with that of her killers.

Driving the knife in further blood splashed everywhere, eventually killing the female.

The male took what he was looking for, a sliver ring which a spike came out if you turned it correctly. This ring was very rare and hard to come across he also took all the money he could find and got dressed kicking the blonde's dead body.

"filthy," he muttered fishing his phone out from his jean pockets and dialling in a number.

"I've got the ring and the girl is dead," he confirmed to the person on the other end of the line.

"Mark Fischbach you've proved yourself worthy of being part of us," The voice on the other end chuckled.


3 months later

"Ugh," Jack groaned in frustration running his fingers through his bright green hair, reading a newspaper article stating that yet another person became a victim to Mark Fischbach. This time it was a boy named Wade Barns who'd been the wife with his first victim Molly Barnes.

"This has been going on for months!" A fellow police offer exclaimed he looked at Jack and shot the boy a sympathetic smile he'd been on the case since it started and they were all no closer to finding the criminal and his group. "The worst part is that Mark Fischbach used to work here!" Another police officer screeched slamming her cup of coffee hard against the oak table. They all turned to look at Jack who was the head of anything that had to do with the group. "I don't know!" The male snapped at them all his eyes burned. The room went deathly silent it wasn't like him to snap this must be getting to Jack more then anyone else on the task force one of his friends and fellow workers thought.

"Sorry," He mumbled before exiting the meeting room choosing to go home not caring if he got fired or not. "Call me if anything happens," He told one of his colleagues Daniel Howell. He nodded and patted the male on the back knowing he was tried from over work and living with a friend of Molly - the first person to getting killed by Mark Fischbach was difficult.

Jack entered his house relived that Signe was still at work so he wouldn't have to deal with her questioning until much later into the day. The male rested his head down on his bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

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