195. Shared work

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See if you can figure out the meaning behind this one

That's today's challenge, the hint is that it's something I keep ranting about (also I should be sleeping but I got this idea and I had to write it before I forgot)



Virgil chipped away at this giant stone wall with a tiny hammer but he was getting nowhere. He didn't know why he had been forced to do it, he just knew he had. The anxious side took a step back to stare at this wall and see the progress he'd made and alone he had created a massive dent. Roman was supposed to be sharing the workload with him but was he anywhere to be see... of course not, now Virgil completely and utterly loved the creative side but breaking down this wall would be so much easier with his help or it would at least give Virgil a break. He frowned at the wall and had the desire to kick it suddenly but he knew that was stupid because he would hurt himself. He just wiped the sweat from his forehead and went home.

When they were at work Virgil would make small... jokes, shall we call it?, about Roman's lack of involvement in the wall but in reality it was a sort of hint for him to join in breaking it down. Sometimes he got so fed up of it that he tossed the hammer over to Roman and left it with him but the hammer would just remain by his side without Virgil's provocation he wouldn't start. Even if he did start to chip at the wall it was always hours after his anxious boyfriend. He did deeply love the man but he wanted him to start to break down this wall too.

Roman would, occasionally, start chipping away at the wall without Virgil needing to provoke him, this was however rare, and whenever it happened Virgil remembers the happiness it causing him and how he can pick up another hammer and start chipping away at the wall too... helping out. Together they would work and it would turn out to be fun at least for Virgil, he wasn't sure about Roman, but sometimes he wasn't sure if he did enjoy it with Virgil because whenever someone else, one person in particular who Virgil had no grief with and did actually quite like, asked Roman to help with their wall then he would almost immediately and he would occasionally be like, "I just need to help ____ with her wall." Like Virgil wouldn't say he was jealous about it but it did get to him because it made him feel as if his wall wasn't as important.

He just wanted to be able to chip away at this wall with his boyfriend, both putting in the same amount of effort, and with some of his friend's too. Virgil only wanted to work on this wall.

He just wanted someone to talk to him.

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