49. Dear Mat

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Nate writes a letter to Mat expressing what he can not say in person


Drinking, blackouts

I might be writing a AntiSeptiplier oneshot with Anti as Harley Quinn and Dark as the Joker (does anyone like that idea?)

330 (What even is this?)

Dear Mat
5th November 2016

I wish I had the courage to at least say this to you over a call but the truth is I'm scared too. We haven't spoken in a week not since the divorce, I've thought about that night every day. I should never have slept with that girl and being drunk wasn't an excuse, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. It's only been a week and I'm already falling apart.

Love Nate

Dear Mat
21st November 2016

I started drinking. A lot more than I should. You always told me it was bad for my health but now you're not able to. I saw you in town with your new girlfriend, you two looked happy, I wish I could have said hello instead of just quickly walking in the other direction.

Love Nate

Dear Mat
3rd January 2016

I can barely see what I'm writing with the tears in my eyes. I saw your mangled destroyed body on the news. They're all blaming me, they think I killed you but I couldn't have. I love you.

Love Nate

Dear Mat
7th January

The blackouts are back again. I can't remember anything from the night before and I'm scared I'm breaking down. The police are after me because they found my fingerprints at the scene of your murder but I can't have killed you. Can I?

Love Nate

Dear Mat
13th January

I don't feel like myself anymore. I'm losing myself again.


Dear Mat
15th January

They tried to arrest me so I killed them. All of them. Am I monster?


Dear Antimatter
15th February

Come back to me.
Our plan worked.

Love Natemare

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