134. On the outside looking in

153 5 3

Prinxiety (not really)

None I don't think

Need to stop writing the same three ships but I'm enjoying it honestly lmao



Virgil looked through the window of the house and sighed heavily. There was three of them and from what he knew they weren't related by blood but they had an extremely strong friendship which made them as good as family. He watched enviously. He'd been friends with them once but he'd pushed them away before it happened. Looking back on everything now he knew he should have bit his tongue at certain points and not said a word but he had and that's what planned him in this position. Patton, Logan and Roman he watched through the window and the ghost of a smile played on his lips, they looked like they were arguing not properly but more like in that way when Logan got himself wound up about something and Patton and Roman said they were helping but were really just trying to wind him up more. He missed that.

After it Virgil had pushed everyone away hence why he was walking this lonely road. He couldn't go home if he could even call it that and he didn't want to either. He wished he could open that door and join them but something prevented him, something kept him frozen in place, something prevented him from opening his lips and spilling everything despite that being the one thing he really wanted to do. He wanted to talk about everything but it was easier said than done. Now he was reduced to being on the outside looking in on life and on the life he'd once had where he didn't use to blow up so easily, where he didn't almost fall out with people everyday, the life he missed so much and that had been gone for a long time. The life where he had been alive.

"Did you know that it is possible, right, for a person to become a ghost while they're still alive?"

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