142. Small Things

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None boyos I'm writing more fluff

Honestly I've just had a really good fucking day and I've felt happier and better than I have in a long time



"So, here's a story from A to Z
You wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully," Anti sung to himself dancing around his room half-dressed in the morning seeing as his mum had left to go to work, he ended up falling on his bed and just starting laughing. He saw Yin, his panda, laying next to him and smiling he grabbed the bear and started singing the same line back to the bear, cause that's honestly all of the song he could remember, laughing whilst doing it. The night before Anti had read something written by his boyfriend and he don't know why but it had triggered something in him, it was like massive weight off his shoulders like it was something he needed to hear or rather see, Anti preferred to express his emotions through writing rather than conversation because he was more truthful when it came to writing, he could pour his heart more in writing because no one could interrupt him, stop him or walk away whilst he was writing the most they could do was chose not to read it but it would still be out there, everything Anti wrote was always had at least had some truth behind it even if it was just a tiny link. He, therefore, also trusted writing more than words even though writing can be edited and deceived whereas once you've said something it's out there for good... anyway the point is he felt a lot lighter and he fell asleep cuddling Yin (after crying for a while), the next morning he felt considerably better.

That day Anti felt a lot happier than he had in a long time, he didn't know what it was but there was a lightness to the atmosphere and he felt free rather than having a heavy head and an irritable temper... he also for the first time felt rested. He hadn't slept any longer than he had the previous day, in fact if anything he'd woken up earlier cause the bed was cold causing him to make a burrito blanket for warmth, but he felt more rested and ready to face the world. He could laugh with his friends and not feel like he was faking anything or like they were going to say anything about him when he wasn't around instead he just felt happy and genuinely he really enjoyed himself (it felt like the weekend out they'd all had together just with less drama and without almost getting hut by a car).

It was strange how the little things that day made him happy, seeing his boyfriend and friends definitely made him happy, his friend being kind enough to swap food with Anti cause they were serving Anti's favourite and he 'joked' about being disappointed that they didn't have felt (he still felt bad about that), being able to speak with fellow students in his classes comfortably, later having a nice phone call with one of his friends and spent an entire period doing creative writing. It was strange how weirdly happy he felt but it wasn't a bad feeling either, he knew he was being nicer as a result of it despite a few times that day putting his hand on his heart and declaring loudly that he was offended in an over-dramatic fashion. He at least assumed his friends realised it too, one of them commenting that Anti had been in a weird mood that day cause he kept randomly leaning into his friends or throwing his head down making random noises simply cause he felt like it.

Obviously life isn't always going to be good and you've still got shit to deal with but if you just focus on the bad you miss out on all the fun you could be having. Nothing bad is going to last forever so think positively and enjoy life... even if it is just the small things.

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