89. Reaper of hearts

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Who knows

I need to start writing more often I'm sorry readers :3
But to make it up to you, please comment below something you would like to see written whether it be your own idea or maybe another part to something I've already written. I love hearing your opinions ❤️



Find and reap Mark Fischbach's soul

Jack chuckled to himself and ran a hand through his hair a smirk visible on the reaper's face. "This is too easy," he sniggered looking for the clocked male.

Mark however had been expecting a reaper to appear sooner or later and grinned to himself under the hood of his cloak. The grin in itself was wicked and dark but placed a upon the beastly male it was deadly and spine shivering.

The male was creeping along the corridors of the high school he'd been placed in, for work of course. Jack was the best of the best a star grim reaper but also had a taste for the dangerous side of reaping he would take unneeded risks just to add a little more fun to his work. However the reaper hadn't suspected his victim to be as knowing as he was.

Lurking in the darkness Jack's ego was growing slightly by the minute. The reaper held his scythe next to him, "Stereotype grim reaper." The Irishman laughed to himself still smirking.

Stereotype grim reaper or not Jack still had a job to do and he couldn't go back to the reaper society without the soul of Mark Fischbach. The male hadn't thought about the cloaked male being as smart as he was. Mostly the victims of a reaper were too frozen by fear to fight back or do anything about it.

The cloaked male, the target, was shadowing the reaper who hadn't sensed his presents yet. A wide set grin on his face under the hood of his cloak his eyes scanned the reaper. "Not yet," he whispered to herself.

Jack pulled at his yellow hoodie to cover his neck from sight, his skin was going a ghostly pale. "Shit time is ruining out," The reaper cursed, he couldn't use a human body for too long.

"Let's make this quick then~" A voice sang. Jack turned around quickly to see a tall hooded figure shawled in darkness a gloomy aroma dispatching from it.
"Mark Fischbach lets get this job over with I don't want overtime," Jack smirked sticking his tongue out.

"You won't get overtime don't worry Seán."

The use of his name on the hooded figure's lips sounded so wrong yet... he liked it although he couldn't explain why but he pushed his thoughts aside.

"Let's dance~"

He lavished his scythe and went to attack Mark however he grabbed Jack's other arm and pinned him against the wall, smirking as he looked him up and down. "You're really cute~" He muttered into the reaper's ear, "Maybe we could make a deal?~" Jack's breath caught in his throat and he whimpered slightly, he couldn't explain it; he was usually so straight-laced and focused and STRAIGHT why was he becoming so vulnerable under his target's hold. "D-Depends what type of deal," He stuttered. Mark leaned forward so his hood tickled the side of Jack's face and his lips were almost pressed against the reaper's ear, "Let me take you on a date~ Show you a good time and maybe... make you feel good afterwards~ Deal?~" The smaller male took a few seconds to think before one word passed his plump, kissable lips, "Deal."

Mark released Jack's arm from his grip and stepped slightly, "I'll pick you up at eight then?" The time worked fine for the reaper it gave him enough time to renew his human body so he nodded slowly. "Use your words baby~" The target teased. "Yes... that's fine," The reaper answered sharply not seeming very amused by Mark's antics however he couldn't deny the fact that he was looking forward to the date. The two departed.

New Task;
Reap Mark Fischbach's heart

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