36. Are you happy?

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To be honest I don't know I'm improvising

Don't know

I'm debating whether to start a smut book so I can sin... What do you think?

Also I'm working on part 2 of If only... And I'll probably do a part 2 of Tower of Mistakes (if you all want)

None (I think)



Now the show is done
I hope that you had gut-trembling or something resembling fun
And if you watch this thing alone
You probably didn't laugh, but maybe a few times you exhaled out of your nose
But if you hated it, that's fair
But either way, could you find a little more time for a parting questionnaire?

Jack let out a groan of exhaustion as he lay back in his recording chair. Tears stained his face, this had probably been the hardest video he'd ever had to post but he believed the viewers, fans. . . Friends deserved to know. He let out a small whimper, he'd never felt more alone.

"What if they hate me?" The Irishman mumbled running a hand through his green hair, stressed out (wish we could turn back time. . . I'll let myself out XD). He waited for the comments to come through, he couldn't stop staring at the screen.

On a scale from one to zero, are you happy?
'Cause you're on your own from here, so are you happy?
I'm open to suggestions, are you happy?
But what the fuck kind of question is "Am I happy?"

He didn't know how he felt. The gamer didn't feel anything, numb unable to grip onto a feeling long enough to have it materialise in his body and mindset. He frowned as he waited, tapping his fingers impatiently on his desk, seconds passed but they felt like hours.

"Am I happy?" He asked himself quietly, he hadn't ever thought about that question, was he happy? He had a well paid job, good friends and fans that loved him but was he happy? It would be selfish to say he wasn't but what if he wasn't? He sighed heavily, "Don't think about it."

I really wanna try to get happy
And I think that I could get it if I didn't always
Panic every time I'm unhappy like
I'm owed some life
Where I'm always, like, happy
Which is stupid 'cause I wouldn't even want it if I got it
Wait, oh god, my dad was right

Mark sat across from his computer, mindlessly scrolling through his feed until he saw a video posted by Jack - 'I have something to tell you.' A small smile spread across his lips, he knew what the video was, Jack had told him before he posted it. He clicked on the video.

Tears spilled from his eyes as he watched it, once the video finished he grabbed his phone and found Jack's contact and text him three simple but meaningful words - I love you.

So if you know or ever knew how to be happy
On a scale from one to two now, are you happy?
You're everything you hated, are you happy?
Hey, look Ma, I made it, are you happy?

'I love you.' Jack looked at his phone seeing the text and a wide smile spread across his lips. No matter what comments he got on his video, it didn't matter he had Mark who he loved more than anything.

He knew the answer to his question,

'Yes I am happy'

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