188. I do want to be honest

103 2 2


None bbyyyy

The fact that literally no one is realising what I'm telling them is great

Also I debated in my head whether to come out to my friend's today or not and I chickened out lmao



Anti sat around a table with his boyfriend and two of his closest friends, he was twiddling his thumbs, trying desperately for the words to leave his mouth. He did want to say, he trusted them but he was scared, what if he lost them after this? He didn't see why he would but he was scared of it anyway. He'd already told Dark or rather had got defensive about it and Dark had reassured him it was okay. He knew if it all went wrong his boyfriend would comfort him and reassure him... but he was leaving early and so was everyone else for that matter if it had ended on bad terms he would have to wait the whole day. He was on edge and it was causing him to act distant and cold... this was because he was currently having a war inside his head.

They went back their usual routine, laughing and joking with each other but Anti felt a million miles away from it all. He would still join in but his brain wasn't registering that he was actually talking it was like he was on autopilot. "Anya you can't say that!" One of his friend's laughed and Anti just laughed back... they didn't know so he wouldn't get annoyed about it. He wanted desperately to say the words to them only he couldn't because every time he went too the words couldn't come. He was scared and that was the truth of it all and he had no idea how to rid himself of the fear for good. He wasn't even sure if they'd fully take it on when he told them because he had sort of told one of his friends the other day and they didn't seem to exactly register it... which was maybe good? Honestly Anti didn't know all he knew was that he was afraid.

"I want to be honest I'm just scared of the reaction I'll receive and those who I'll lose."

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