138. Inked

168 7 0

Danti (kinda)

Mentions of needles (idk if that gets to people)

Lmao this is also true story and I've been meaning to write this one for a while



Anti's heart was pounding in his chest as he sat in the small waiting room with his mum, she wasn't exactly helping his nerves either as she appeared to be panicking. It was stupid to be panicking over something like this they could just walk out if they wanted after all they'd willing said to do this. "Anti," The artist smiled behind his desk and lead Anti through to the other room and made him sit on the lounger but then moved him onto the stool cause he was too tall. There was a lot of preparation that had to be done and Anti felt coldness on his back as the man sprayed a bunch off different things on him, he took a long sip from his bottle of coke which supposedly was the best thing for him to have because whilst getting this done it's good to have high blood pressure. "Are you ready?" The artist asked as the loud noise began and he moved the needle closer to Anti's back. "Go for it," Anti gritted his teeth preparing himself for the pain and it did definitely hurt but not as much as he had expected. Someone was literally driving a needle into his spine at one point, inking his skin but he just kept reminding himself who he was getting this done for - his best friend and his granda, people who had both meant a great deal to him in his life and had been there for him no matter what, people he felt like he could trust, his life had been destroyed when he'd lost them but what he wanted was something to keep their memory alive hence why he was sitting in his chair gritting his teeth.

Whenever the pain got too much the man always stopped as if he could read Anti's mind, cleaning the blood off his back. He took a few shaky breaths in the small break he had between the guy cleaning the needle or swapping it, truthfully Anti didn't know as he couldn't see. Then it was time to go again he knew that as he heard the noise kick in again, he kept his eyes on the ground, one leg shaking. He kept thinking of his boyfriend, Dark, if the pain got too much and that made him smile, remembering he'd be back in his boyfriend's arms in a few days managed to distract him and instead of focusing on the searing pain in his back he focused on that instead. The two things he kept thinking about during the forty five minutes or so was either his boyfriend, to calm himself down, or the reason why he was doing this. Most people would simply just put photos of the people up in their houses or name an animal/child after the people who were no longer with them but Anti did love to go above and beyond plus he knew he'd be willing and able to go through the pain if there was a reason behind it.

Eventually the artist finished and he seemed pleased with his work as he took a few photos and showed them to Anti who was also pleased. The photo was of the black angel wings and halo he now had tattooed on his skin, he smiled to himself and looked at his mum grinning, "Your turn now." He winked and then went outside leaving his mum to get her one down as he went to the bar with his dad. As he sat in the bar, sipping away at a dark fruits cider to celebrate that he'd actually got it down and hadn't chickened out, he felt as though there was a presence in the room and to himself he smiled and looked upwards at the sky outside and whispered, "I hope I did you both proud."

Even though he knew had his Granda still be alive he would have gone nuts.

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