102. Bite me... Not Literally!

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None, you're good

This is a zombie apocalypse AU suggested by ScottyGonzaela and I apologise in advance if it's bad cause it's my first time writing one (I'll probably do two of these because this one is quite different from normal zombie AUs but I wanted to try something)

This is also might be slightly different and in this AU zombies are still able to communicate the same they would if they were human they just tend to have violent outbreaks and the desire to bite humans (which causes their population to expand) or to devour the brain of a human

1448 (honestly I don't even know what this and I'm sorry)

"Lance McClain Day 27; I still have no idea what caused this outbreak but all our neighbours are changing, they are becoming more violent and appear to desperate to enter my home... truthfully I don't know what to do, I've only ever since this type of thing in movies and everyone jokes about being prepared for an apocalypse but when it actually happens it turns out you're not as prepared as you thought."

Lance put down the recording device and sighed heavily, he pulled back the curtains and looked outside, the street sign was rusted and hanging sideways.the street itself was empty apart from the odd zombie who would aimlessly wander past looking for someone to talk to however whenever a human caught sight of one of the rotting corpses they would run for the hills - movies caused humans to stereotype zombies as bad guys but in reality they couldn't help the way they acted. Lance documented the way the zombies acted and came to the conclusion that they weren't all bad simply misunderstood which had quickly caused his apocalypse team to abandon him because there was no way they would try to communicate with a zombie just for Lance's research. He had several tapes and notes created which could be used to help if anyone actually survived this apocalypse and if these events ever unfolded again.

There was a specific zombie that caught Lance's eye whenever he was doing his research. This zombie wore a tattered red and white jacket, he had stunning lilac eyes and the feature that made him easy of Lance to identify in a crowd was the mullet - honestly the Latino had many questions has to why this zombie would have had a mullet when he was human but it oddly suited him. He studied this zombie whenever he saw him and took notes from his window on the behaviour that this one had, one of the strangest things was watching how the zombies interacted with each other because they seemed to act just like normal humans would. He seemed to especially get on with a zombie who had black and white hair and a scar across his nose. Honestly if it was for the stereotypical zombie appearance they could easily pass for human without any trouble.

"Lance McClain Day 32; I'm going to attempt contact with the zombies today and hopefully I won't be bitten or killed... if I am give my belongs to Team Voltron and tell them that they were correct about my research being stupid."

He was shaking as he put the device down and set it on top of his papers, originally he had wanted to send someone from his apocalypse gang to make first contact with the zombies however when they found that he'd quickly been left to his own devices. Lance walked outside and pulled his hood up to cover his face, making sure no parts of his body were easily accessible. The zombie he usually studied was alone and strangely enough appeared to be reading some tattered book, it was too tattered to be able to read the name of it, and Lance walked over and gingerly sat down on the rock next to the zombie. "Uh... hey..." He greeted awkwardly. The zombie looked up from the book and frowned, rolling his eyes which honestly was quite a sight to see and it took everything Lance had in his body to stop himself from bursting out into laughter because it was such an odd sight. "What do you want?" The zombie grunted but his words were easy to make out although they came out as a low grunt and almost slurred together but that was mostly due to the fact that his jaw was hanging off. "This is going to sound rather strange but I've been studying you... along with a few other zombies for a while and I was wanting to communicate with you for my research, if you will allow me?" Lance asked, his voice shaking, he was terrified that at any point the zombie would lunge at him and attempt to bite and/or kill him. The zombie sighed heavily and in a very dramatic, over-the-top way before replying, "I guess you can... But in your notes I'd rather that you called me by my actual name." That was a request that Lance didn't mind fulfilling for the zombie, "Of course... What is your name?" The zombie smiled, he hadn't expected Lance to agree to his terms, "Keith Kogane."

"Well Keith Kogane, I'm Lance McClain and I think we're going to get on incredibly well," The Latino grinned before pulling a small notepad and pen out of his pocket beginning to rapidly ask Keith many questions.

"Lance McClain Day 10 of the Keith project; Keith answered many of my questions on zombie behaviour today and told me that they still act likehuman because they still possess human-like traits and qualities the only think that changed is that they are undead and will commonly have violent outbreaks and fits for no reason causing them to attack everyone around them without even thinking about it. Keith has only went for me once during this outbreaks however he managed to snap out of it before he bit me... It's rather amusing to watch a zombie apologise for their natural instincts, so I forgave him... After a bit of teasing of course."

Lance's choice to approach Keith that day proved to be one of the best choices he'd ever made in his life because he'd made an extremely unlikely friend and if Keith hadn't been undead he would even try for something more with the male. Keith trusted Lance and let the Latino study him without ever complaining about it and he'd never hurt Lance either although during a few outbreaks he'd come close to doing so.
Many zombies disapproved of the friendship which blossomed between the two however others found it cute and saw it as a refreshing change, humans on the other hand definitely did not approve of Lance's research and believed he was betraying their race by carrying it on however at this point Keith had become more family to him than anyone in the human-race ever had so he didn't care about what he was doing being viewed as treason because the giver meant had fallen apart due to the apocalypse anyway so there was no punishment for him carrying on his work.

"Lance McClain Day 47 of the Keith project; Apparently zombies go in a frenzy if you mention the word bite around them because as a joke today I told Keith to 'bite me' and his eyes widened along with his pupils dilating he then lunged for me... I had no choice but to rip his arm off and hide from him... Eventually he calmed down from the frenzy and explained what had happened. I also fear that people may be after me for carrying on with my research although Keith promised that he wouldn't let any of them hurt me... It's a shame he's undead otherwise he'd make the perfect partner."

"I'd make the perfect partner, would I?" Keith asked with a smirk, he'd been standing in the doorway listening to Lance make the tape, or rather he'd just caught the end of it, "You know I've thought the same about you... It's a shame you're alive." There was a slight teasing tone in his voice which caused Lance's cheeks to heat up which was strange cause usually he did all the flirting. "You're right it is a shame~" Lance smirked and stood up putting his recording device down as he walked over the zombie that he'd fallen for, he had thought this over quite a lot and to be honest the human-race hated him as it was and he wasn't a usual asset to it. He looked Keith directly in the eyes,
"Bite me... And this time I mean it literally."

"Lance McClain Day one of being undead; ..."

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