126. Find your happy place

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Prinxiety (cause it's gotta be something other than Danti)

Mentions of anxiety

Listen I'll do so much for a few days then vanish for months on end that's what I do lmao

I'm probably gonna do a part 2 to Living with the seven deadly sins though where Anti meets them cause I think that'll be funny


1017 (I don't really have a comment on this - reasonable length)


Virgil had actually be looking forward to it when his dad had sent him the message asking if a calzone sounded nice and my god had it. Maybe he should have said no, maybe then he wouldn't be sitting in the middle of this awkwardly eating as one parent yelled at the other. "Are you actually going to say something or are you just going to sit there being pathetic?" The other sat in silence staring down at their kindle, saying nothing. Virgil nervously picked up a piece of the calzone and ate it deciding not to question but he did feel an overwhelming urge to spill the garlic mayonnaise on the floor just so that he would be yelled at and there would be a distraction however he was frozen and the only movement he seemed to be able to do was eat it. He sat there feeling worthless. Then there was silence for a few seconds before, "We're going anyway!" The dad gestured to Virgil leaving the anxious boy extremely confused. See they'd been yelling at each other since they'd come home and Virgil had no idea what they were arguing about but whenever he asked he never got an answer. Instead he decided to eat a few more slices of the calzone to keep peace and when his dad had fallen asleep as he often did after a long day at work he slipped upstairs using the excuse to his mum that he had to call a friend, which in fairness he actually did.

The boy threw himself down on his bed and stared at the ceiling sighing heavily and holding back tears. He was constantly fed up dealing with this it kept happening more frequently and over dumb things that Virgil didn't understand. His felt his chest tightening and his breathing quickened its pace so as his usual reaction he closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down a art he was quickly learning to master as this was becoming more and more frequent in his everyday life and it was also over such dumb things. A small argument, doing simple tasks etc. Everything seemed to be falling apart and what was worse was all Virgil could think about was that goddamn calzone and how much he wished he'd just said it was fine and they'd not got it. He longed for an escape, he longed to run out... not to run away that was overdramatic but to walk away for a few hours and just be by himself but he knew they wouldn't let him or one of them would follow him and bring him back he just wanted a break for a while. Previously he'd had an escape where he could just be away for a while but even that was becoming difficult where he constantly kept taking things to heart and getting upset and he couldn't explain why. After that came the sicken feeling that friends and people you care about now think you're desperate for attention or are just acting like a bitch and it does wonders for the anxiety Virgil faced, note the sarcasm, however he was getting a little better at speaking about it even if it was in a joking manner.

He was still lying back on the bed, he stared at the phone to his side looking at Roman's contact seeing he had text him and questioning whether to text the whole story out to him instead he shook his head and replied to his message smiling a little. Virgil then actually did call the friend he was meant to and it was nice to speak to someone but he also didn't bring it up to them deciding it was easier to leave it not wanting to bother anyone. Whilst on the phone he kept messaging Roman at the same time his smile widening every time, sure Roman took his time replying but he was an theatre kid and Virgil knew that it. In movies and books you always hear them speaking about finding a happy place where you can feel free. A lot of people used music but that didn't drain out Virgil's thoughts and he could listen to it but it wouldn't drown anything out as the thoughts would still parade around his mind demanding to be heard. He could never fully get rid of thoughts but he could push them aside or he could address them depending on the anxious boy's feelings. He used writing when he wanted to address them, he could write stories or entries to himself just venting or created new worlds so he could have freedom and control. Writing was something he loved because it gave him control. Somewhere where he knew exactly what would happen and he could edit it and change it and be free in a world that was galaxies away. Another method Virgil to his happy place was Roman.

The texts and conversations between him and his boyfriend took him away even if it was for a short span of time. He could rest cuddled up to Roman, sure Roman had problems too and he wasn't shy about making that clear and that was one way Virgil wished he could be able to say it rather than feeling that pain clenching in your chest at even the thought of speaking to someone out loud about even the small anxious thought even if it was just if he'd said something wrong, he felt happy with Roman. Head rested on his boyfriend shoulder he realised something that made him smile. Even if it wasn't going to last forever Virgil had a new happy place for the time being and that was Roman.

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