165. What would he think of me?

110 5 22

Klance (only somewhat fitting one for this)

Mentions of death

Just feeling sentimental

313 (short not so sweet)


Lance sighed as he looked at Keith cuddled up beside him in their shared bed. They hadn't done anything bad just a lot of kissing and teasing that was all. He was deeply in love with the male and he didn't want to be with anyone else but that's when his mind wandered.

He'd been like a father to Lance and he always stuck up for him. He'd unfortunately lost his fight and was no longer among the living. Lance looked up and whispered, quietly so not to wake his sleeping lover, "What would you think of me now? If you knew the truth... you can see everything I kept from you." He'd never told Shiro his sexuality and he never knew if he was accepting or not. The time had never come for him to be open about it.

Lance was terrified what if Shiro despised him because in death he knew the truth. What if he no longer loved him or saw him as family? He couldn't help how he felt about Keith and he wanted to be with him so badly and stay with him. He began to weep silently and curl his knees up to his chest. "Would he hate me now?" He whimpered and began to shake, the tears falling more rapidly. He couldn't know. Shiro couldn't tell him. He loved Keith and he saw no wrong with that but what if Shiro did?

He was still going to stay with Keith that wasn't going to stop his love but there would be that fear. "I love you," He mumbled to his sleeping boyfriend gently kissing his cheek and he looked back up at the roof and muttered, "And I love you too... I just hope you still love me."

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