175. The stories we write

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I don't think there is any but honestly who knows

I'm literally just going to write and see what my brain pulls out so let's see

AU (I'm guessing anyway)

456 (honestly this oneshot is a bit of a mess so enjoy)


Virgil was anxious there was no avoiding that. He both loved and hated being around people. He got anxious around people and would often say the wrong thing and he was notorious for walking off... he would walk off before he said something he regretted or didn't mean that was the whole reason he did it... to take a few seconds to breathe and think clearly. He hated being ignored but sometimes he wanted to be alone... like he would get upset if someone didn't reply to him or didn't invite him to something even if he couldn't have made it but then sometimes he just wanted to be left alone in his own world.

He would have gone insane had it not been for Roman, his ever loving boyfriend, and the worlds he creates in his head. There is always a story clicking away inside Virgil's head, maybe that's why he finds it hard to concentrate, no matter what time of day especially at night where he enjoys laying bed telling himself the rest of the story with the wild crazy characters he creates or sometimes he just makes fanfiction. The problem is Virgil can create dream situations and actually believe they happened when they did not and it takes him a minute to regain his grip on reality. He doesn't like reality, Roman and Virgil's friends are the only reason he stands it, because everything is so uncontrollable and anything can happen whilst in these stories inside his brain he can shape the future and create it. Another reason he hates reality is because of the shit it's handed him... Virgil knows he has it better than a lot but when it comes down to the crunch he's still been given a shit hand to play but Roman does make it better for him.

Virgil, however, knows he has to live in the reality in front of him and play life with the cards he holds because there's no getting away from it and if he plays it correctly he can win the game and succeed in his goals... a shit hand doesn't mean you'll lose after all. He just needs to step out of his own mind every now and again and rejoin reality. He needs to remember he doesn't write reality, it will keep going regardless of the changes he wishes he could make and the dialogue he wants to alter. He needs to get out there and live.

We are remembered through the stories we write

Natepat & Septiplier oneshots Where stories live. Discover now