20. Johnny Ringo

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Mark's time is running out so in a attempt to fight death he makes a deal with a demon named Anti


Demons, satan demonic shiz

The song is Johnny Ringo - Crown the Empire


This is your time,
Your life's flashing before your eyes.
And soon enough you will realize this is goodbye,
But what if I gave you a chance?
You just have to sell your soul.

Breathes escaped his lips only they were heavy and quick, the effort to even take a single breath was painful to him. The redhead tried to get up, tried to stand on his own two feet only he couldn't, only his chest was moving the rest of his body appeared to be stuck. Mark - the male in question began to panic, however this did nothing but make his breath situation worst. He heard the beeping of a monitor and tried to pry his eyes open but this worked to no avail, Mark tried to scream out but no words surpassed him. He wanted to scream and shout and at that moment he wanted to die, only he was too afraid, he didn't want to say goodbye. Tears ran down his cheeks uncontrollably but nobody came.

"Wow, nice place you got here, gotta admit I'd live here," A oddly familiar voice came from nowhere. Mark couldn't look up however he felt his eyes slowly opening and he let out a few shaky breaths in happiness. The first thing he was greeted by was a green haired short male, his eyes were dark and soulless and his body was balanced on what appeared to be a hospital bed on the right side of the redhead.
"The names Antisepticeye but for the sake of time just call me Anti, and before you say anything yes you do recognise me but let's not speak about that otherwise we'll have to get into the nitty gritty of body swapping and possession and all the jizz and frankly I don't like to speak about jizz unless it's my own dick then in that case suck it!" The strange male exclaimed loudly and the redhead was surprised nobody heard him. Anti smirked,
"Only you can see me Markimoo." He lent inwards until their faces were mere inches apart and he whispered,
"I can help you out, I know how much pain you're in and how badly you don't want to die. For you I'm willing to strike a deal you just have to sell your soul."

Unable to speak Mark remained silent pondering over the deal, would be really be alive without a soul? Then again he didn't want to die, he had no idea what would happen next but he didn't truly know in either case. He looked at Anti who appeared to be cracking his bones, he caught sight of Mark staring and smirked,
"What see something you like? You taking the deal or not?" The redhead frowned still thinking finally he made a choice, he'd take the deal of course he would because he didn't want to die not yet plus it wasn't like the story would progress if he didn't. Slowly he nodded his head as much as he could. Anti smirked widely pouncing on the male branding him with a pentagram on his tongue.

Look around, what do you see?
The choices you never had the guts to make?
I'm sorry you never could be the man that you wanted,
But regret is wasted on me.

A bloodcurdling scream passed through the redhead who arched his back, his tongue burning the pain only lasted a second but it was the most pain he'd ever felt. His screams soon become sloppy until they finally where hushed and Anti uncovered his ears,
"That was loud, I could make you scream louder but for now..." The demon leapt off the bed and too his feet cracking his back.
"I'll be back later Markimoo only you won't know when but remember everything comes with a price," He waved his hands in front of his face before sniggering,
"Yup they actually make you say that but seriously I'll be back sometime so don't get too comfortable."
Mark bit his lip nervously before nodding in understanding,
Anti smirked turning his head to face Mark before speaking a final time, wanting to make a dramatic exit,
"Oh and Markimoo, the price could be your enteral suffering in hell!"

The Irish male left leaving Mark confused and in slight pain, he winced biting his lip as he rose to his feet. He was wearing a simple hospital gown however luckily lying to his side was a blue hoodie and jeans with a note next to it,
We miss you Mark
Ryan & Matt
A small smile spread across his lips as he threw on the clothing and sneaked out the hospital careful to avoid the eyes of any doctor or medical staff. He kept his head held low and covered his head with the hood from his hoodie as he gently made his way out. Mark made it out unstopped, he didn't seem suspicious surprisingly.

The redhead's breath hitched in his throat from fear as he got outside and the fresh harsh air hit him, he suddenly came to the face the fact that he had no where to go. He couldn't just go to his friend's house and say, "Hey guess what I escaped the hospital!" He mumbled to himself as he walked resulting in him getting odd stares but he simply gave them a glare and the passers looked down, fearful.

I can feel air inside my lungs again.
All because of you.
I can rebuild my life and start again.
All because of you.

Anti swung his feet over the banister he was sitting on and looked down smirking. The world below him seemed so small, he appeared so powerful. "That deal," The male muttered to himself smirking, "I could have some fun with that." He ran a hand through his bright green hair and jumped down landing perfectly on his feet. His eyes caught sight of the redhead snuggled up on the curb of a rather empty street.

"Didn't expect you to resort to the streets?" He commented. Mark looked up and jumped slightly seeing the green haired male, "Oh it's just you." Anti rolled his eyes, "Now that's just rude."
Mark frowned, "Do you want something?" The demon snickered, "So sassy, remember I own your soul."
The redhead sighed heavily, "Alright I'm sorry. Do you need a favour."

"Yeah, you belong to me now there's a few things, I want of you. Markimoo."

This was rushed seeing as I hadn't updated in almost a month I will most likely make a part 2 to this if you want

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