17. Lil Red Riding Hood

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Mark is all dressed in red heading to see his Grandma but on his way he has to pass through gangster territory which happens to belong to the big bad wolf




Wolf - Jack
Pup - Felix
Howell - Dan
Punny - Wade
Red - Mark
(even though that'll be explained)
Also this is my favourite oneshot I wrote


Hey there little red riding hood
You sure are looking good
You're everything a big bad wolf could want

Snores came from the bunk
below Wolf as his eyes snapped open due to the sound of the harsh autumn winds. He groaned and rolled his eyes jumping down from the top bunk and hitting the wood of the bed frame hard as he dropped. His voice was sharp and snappy as he demanded, "Rise and shine pup." The Swedish male underneath awoke with a start his hair sticking up like someone had electrocuted him, his eyes meeting his old time friend he frowned, "Wolf really?" Wolf smirked darkly as he yanked the male away from the warmth of his bed. The Irish male grabbed his gun from the bedside table and stuck it away safely in his hoodie. "C'mon pup, we'll be late and the pack are lost without their leader."

"You're late again! How are
we suppose to rely on the big bad wolf if he's always late,"
Howell exclaimed slightly annoyed but Wolf just rolled his eyes and snapped, "Did you collect the money Howell?" The member nodded and gestures towards a chest on their lunch table. The green haired leader nodded and made his way over to the chest opening it and taking a deep sniff. "Ahhh, this is the life."
The rest of the 'pack' gathered around the table taking their share of the stolen cash. Pup hung around beside Wolf staying close having a gut feeling something interesting was to happen that day: mainly because they are a new recruit coming that day.

Wolf searched through their
newest earnings, filling his pockets with all types of treasures. The other members simply watched their leader search awaiting for goods to be left for them to scrap over. As he looked the leader called out jobs from the members to handle which they hastily went to do. One of the members ran over sweat dripping from his forehead he had a giant smirk on his face and a basket in his hands,
"Wolf! Permission to speak." The leader sniggered at his friend's (?) fear and nodded,
"What's the problem Punny?"
The male passed him the basket watching Wolf's expressions change as he lifted the blanket and saw dollar bills heaps and heaps. "Where did you get this?" He asked. Punny grinned and began to explain to his leader, "I stole it from some man."
"I'm impressed."

Little red riding hood
I don't think little big boys should
Go walking in these spooky old woods alone

The red male screamed from the ground as he lay beaten and bloody as a male ran off with his Grandma's basket. The redhead groaned as he realised how close he was getting to the dreaded gangster territory 'big bad wolf.' He wasn't as terrified as the others seeing as he'd passed it before and had met one of the member's children when he was younger. The redhead paced on forward slowing down slightly at each step. He gritted his teeth, he was still mad about his basket however he believed his Grandmother would understand that it wasn't his fault.

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