29. Dreaming of you

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Mat's dreams are full of the ebony musician he can't get out of his mind

Fluff (?)


I got bored
Do ya'll think I'm evil?


"I love you Mathew Patrick," The ebony whispered, his breath tickling the theorist's ear. Smiling widely Mat replied with his usual answer, "I love me too." Nate chuckled and ruffled his boyfriend's hair smiling fondly and loving. There was so much love in his expression, his eyes shone so brightly so full of love. Mat smiled just studying the features on his boyfriend's face.
"But seriously Mathew do you love me?" Nate questioned a more seriousness behind his voice, worry clouded his normally love stricken look. The theorist bit his lip and looked at Nate a small happy smile spreading across his lips as he said the words he feared to say in real life. "I do. I really do."

The ebony seemed happy at this response and he gently kissed the theorist's lips, letting out a content sigh as Mat kissed him back without thinking. Their lips fitted together perfectly, like the pieces of a puzzle as cliché as it sounded. The kiss went on until finally they both had to break away for air, unlike some couples their kisses didn't have the hint of lust or the longing of the other's body for their own personal desire (that was a different kind of dream) their kisses only showed signs of pure and true love. Happiness in their truly perfect relationship.

Beep beep

Mat was pulled from the abyss of his mind because of the loud sound of his phone alarm, sighing heavily he clambered out of his bed. He walked through to the kitchen and felt a slight tear come to his eyes as he looked at the happy photo of Nate and Mat on their wedding day, they seemed so happy and in love.

Who knew it all could change for one girl, the girl who Nate had chosen over him. The only loving relationship Mat had left with his former husband was in his dreams, although the two were still friends Mat couldn't hide his obvious burning love for the man.

He opened his phone and a text appeared on the screen from Nate one that made him smile.

I was dreaming of you xx

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