21. My pet

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Anti has a game of truth or dare with a few friends that ends with Dark getting called down


Guess it's a little kinky I dunno




"I'm sorry what?!" Anti snapped towards the excited male sitting across from him a wide set grin a upon his face.
The boy was sitting with a group of his closest friends - well evil counterparts. A few people that Anti didn't know was there too.

"You heard me," Natemare, the darer giggled slightly as his hands grasped on top of a counter his hands groped at air for a while until finding something cold and metallic his fingers wrapped around it. Natemare pulled down the objects that Anti could not see for the others were shielding it from him. Matter flashed a small smirk at Anti teasing him annoying him. The demon allowed his eyes to glare at Matter but didn't allow himself to stand and punch him.

"Close your eyes now!" Natemare demanded making the boy close his eyes tensing at every touch he felt. Something cold wrapped around his neck but not tight enough to strangle him. Feeling the urge to open his eyes biting at him he allowed them to open. A metallic collar attached to a chain was around his neck. The green haired  boy shivered at every movement he made the cold metal biting into his skin.

"DARK!" Natemare called placing two hands around his mouth. Not too long after the ebony called a boy with a bored expression on his face and bright red hair appeared in the doorway. His dark eyes found there way to his blue and green ones.

"Natemare, Matter  did you add me in one of your stupid dares," his face looked like he didn't care yet his voice demanded an answer. The overly excited male passed him the end of the metal chain which served as a lead. "Seriously?" Dark sighed but took it in his hand. 
Dark pulled at the lead and started walking, "Come on." He groaned clearly he hadn't know about this.

Anti had no choice but to follow the redhead male to his room. Their eyes connected again that's when Anti realised who this was - the counterpart of Mark Fishbach who was his counterpart's boyfriend.

"You let them talk you into this," He commented his voice completely flat. Anti bit his lip as the older male pulled the lead sending the Irish male flying on to his bed.
"N-no well kinda it was a dare," He stuttered as his face went bright red from surprise and slight embarrassment.  The slight blush caused Dark to smirk at the younger murderous boy sitting across from him. Slowly he traced a finger up the younger boy's chin forcing him to stare into his eyes. "You're to innocent my little pet," The redhead purred.
"I-I kill people!" Anti exclaimed slightly panicking.

This was a game Dark was definitely enjoying. Teasing the younger boy more he pulled at the lead and traced a hand up his leg.
Anti growled loudly and moved back from Dark not fearful of the redhead at all.

A smirk rose to Dark's face as he put his one free hand under Anti's chin once more and plucked his head to the right making it stare straight at him. Before Anti could even react his and Dark's lips were connected brought forcefully yet delicately. The green haired murder pushes Dark off him causing the redhead to smirk.

"You're mine for tonight. My little pet."


Sorry that was bad it was sort of rushed I've been working on two new oneshots one with the help from an amazing person and the other part of Johnny Ringo
Anyways hope you enjoyed this
I wrote it a while ago for a different ship

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