54. insomniac cellmate

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Nate is an insomniac  and Mat is sharing a prison cell with him having to constantly deal with him.

I've written so much today are you proud of me?
I spent 4 1/2 hours writing a Amiishu (AmyxSigne/Wiishu) oneshot


I might rewrite this and make it better later but hopefully you like it :)


He's at it again.

Nate was wide awake unable to sleep, his enteral clock keeping him awake. He couldn't help it. It's hopeless. He was bouncing off the walls - not literally but he was banging on the cell bars. Mat groaned and rolled over trying to ignore the banging however his attempts were to no avail. He got to his feet and stormed over to his fellow prisoner. "CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?! Unlike you some of us actually want to sleep!" He yelled angrily, normally Mat was nice and calm but he tired and frustrated. Ever since Nate had arrived at the prison he hadn't spoken a word to anyone - not even the guards which caused him to get beat a lot. All he did was make sounds from banging the bars to slamming his head into the walls. That's how most nights in their cell went.

Despite Mat's harsh words the insomniac kept making noise. The brunet used the thin pillowslip that the beds were provided with to cover his ears but he could still hear the banging through the thin material. He slammed his head into the hard bed but that just caused the banging from Nate to get louder.

Eventually the banging stopped but that's when the scratching started. The insomniac was scratching words into the walls and not the cliché day count but words. 'I' 'Can't' 'Help' 'It'

Mat read the words and looked at the other prisoner and groaned. "Just shut up okay?" He sighed and smashed the ebony's face into the wall causing his nose to bleed. He then climbed back onto his bunk.

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