99. Popcorn and Kisses

289 7 47


This is actual fluff
This time I'm not messing

This book is literally just a multi-ship book now cause I don't do my job

College AU

487 (short and sweet)

"So which movie are we going to watch?" Lance asked his boyfriend as he lay the options out in front of the raven haired male, it wasn't often they got a break from defending the universe - okay, okay they were only at college but come on they were learning so that they could defend the universe! - but when they did they usually had a date night. Keith looked over the selection and pressed a finger to his lips trying to decide. Basically all the choices were Disney movies. "Hercules," Keith finally decided choosing a, in his opinion, lesser appreciated Disney movie. Lance nodded, approving of his boyfriend's choice, Go get the blanket from upstairs babe." He asked smiling lovingly as the male immediately jumped to his feet and ran upstairs to grab the blanket. The blanket was white and fluffy deliberately too small to cover them both, the Latino had bought it so that Keith would have to cuddle on his lap for it to cover them both or he'd have to cuddle on Keith's it was a win win either way as he was still getting cuddles from his boyfriend.

While Keith was gone Lance had set the movie up and had gotten the popcorn from the kitchen. "Press play please babe," He asked his boyfriend nicely. The mullet-head shook his head and chuckled, "Lazy ass," He teased smiling lovingly. He found the remote after a few seconds of searching around their destroyed living quarters and hit play causing the movie to start. Keith pulled the blanket over himself and his boyfriend, snuggling into Lance practically sitting on his lap. Lance wrapped his arms protectively around Keith's waist holding him close, "Mine." Lance whispered lovingly into his lover's ear kissing his neck softly.

"All yours," Keith repeated and turned around to face her boyfriend ignoring the movie and connected his lips to the other male's. The Latino smiled against his lips and kissed him back, accidentally hitting the popcorn bowl with his hand as she pulled his boyfriend as close as possible. The popcorn scattered across the floor causing quite a big mess but the two men didn't mind. Their kisses were soft and love-filled not rough and lustful, it was just perfect for the two. Keith ran his fingers through his lover's hair, happy to be with him.

"YOU TWO BETTER NOT BE PLANNING ON FUCKING!" Pidge yelled as she walked into the living quarters which they all shared, along with another two friends called Hunk and Shiro, seeing the two male's kissing. "WAY TO RUIN THE MOMENT PIDGE!" Keith countered to his friend. Lance just laughed and nuzzled his face into his boyfriend's neck, "Let's just watch the movie."

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