85. Let it be

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Who knows anymore definitely not me

Sorry I've not been very active I've had exams

Abusive nature (please stay safe ❤️)


"You lied to me."

The words passed his lips so easily, as if he was used to being hurt. I hated it. I hated the look in his eyes as he looked at me; his multicoloured eyes watery and full of disbelief. I hated his beautiful plump lips that looked so damn kissable.

"I should have known."

He didn't even blame me. He blamed himself for being so stupid. All his life he'd been told that no one could ever love him, that he was a monster. Sure in the beginning I'd lied to him but after a while I'd really fallen for him.

"I-I... I'm sorry."

He was apologising to me? I was the one who'd tricked him. His head was bowed and everything went back to the way it was before. He ran through to the kitchen and I was away to run after him when his mother put a hand on my shoulder.

"Just let it be."

But where had I gone so wrong why had I hurt him like this. I watched him run as far as he could. My heart broke.

(Flashback - the first meeting)

"Darkiplier Fischbach... we shall forgive you for your trespassing on our territory if you do me a little favour," Clara McLoughlin smirked demonically, she was the evil queen. The one who'd taken our land by force, she had murdered the king and his son so she by marriage took the land. I knew I had no choice but to follow her word so I nodded and bowed, "Of course your majesty, I beg for your forgiveness."
The queen took my hand and lead me through her castle to a room - a room which had no doubt never been seen by any citizen - inside it a young male was asleep. His clothes were torn and his skin was bruised and beaten, he was in a horrible state. He had a shock collar around his neck which kept him chained to the bars of his cage.

Queen Clara held up a remote and shocked the boy causing him to wake up with a yelp of surprise. He was terrified and shaking badly. The smell of blood in the room was intoxicating . Thick colourful blood drips from the newly formed wounds on the boy's back. He never should have tried to run, he knew he would never escape, all he wanted was to get away. Clara smirked viciously as she looked at the destroyed crippling male beneath her. "C'mon Glitch you don't really want to be away from me. We are family after all."

"F-Family?" The boy stuttered and looked up at Clara it was then that I saw his beautiful breathtaking eyes; it was like looking at a beautiful ocean sea and a luscious forest at the same time. A small smile formed on my lips, how could anyone bring themselves to hurt this boy. I kept my mouth shut and he didn't even look in my direction.

"It's time for you to eat Glitch." She tossed a broken plate forward and on the plate was a piece of raw meat, obviously left over from the night before, and a glass of what looked to be dirty tap water. "You know the rules for eating Glitch." The boy got down on his hands and knees and quickly wolfed down the meat as if someone was away to take it from him. He was shaking as he slowly got to his feet scared someone was away to shock him down again.

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