123. The list

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Danti (look I've stayed on topic so much recently I'm doing well)

Self-hatred (but only a little bit)

If I post this today I've written two oneshots in one day and y'all should be proud of me

572 (I'm actually kinda proud of this one)


1. I hate my smile, this may sound stupid but I absolutely hate my smile, hence the reason my face naturally goes into a frown.

There was a list. A list Anti kept of the things he disliked about himself. A list he didn't let his boyfriend see, Dark had his own problems to worry about and Anti didn't want to concern him with his own. So instead he kept a list which was constantly growing as he added insecurity after insecurity. The fact is and you wouldn't believe it based on Anti's characteristics and the way he acted but he liked being organised and he liked making lists hence why this list existed in the first place.

2. I'm insecure about the way I look and the way I act. The reason behind this one is the I'm constantly getting made fun of for the way I act, it may be meant as a joke but I'll take it to heart.

The list also worried Anti. He was afraid of it, it was like it had this hold over him. He didn't want to share it with Dark so he felt alone. He knew it was simply a piece of paper that he created but it felt so much more powerful than that. It controlled him and caused his anxiety to grow because if he noticed these things than who else would.

3. My thighs, they still out like a sore thumb and I hate them

Dark was coming over to see Anti one day. He had a key to the house so he didn't bother knocking and instead just walked in. This took Anti by surprise and he shoved the piece of paper under a random notebook however the end of it stuck out, it was fairly noticeable however Dark decided not to question his boyfriend although he had to admit he was curious as to why he'd hidden it so quickly.

4. I'm afraid of losing people and that causes me to become clingy as hell.

This happened a few more times where Dark would suddenly spring on his boyfriend and he would hide the piece of paper that eventually Dark's curiosity had grown so much that he peeked at the piece of paper whilst Anti was in the toilet. He felt his heart snap, he wasn't mad though but he just wished Anti had told him as he could tell by his boyfriend's shaky handwriting that this hurt him so instead he picked up a pencil and began to cross things off the list and started to write.

1. Your smile is beautiful and lights up my day
2. I think the way you act is adorable and you're drop dead gorgeous I'm lucky to have someone like you
3. So what if your thighs are a little pudgy? I think that's attractive
4. You being clingy is cute it shows how much you care
5. All I ever say about you to other people is how much I love you
6. You are worthy
7. I love you with all my heart
- Darkiplier's list for Antisepticeye

Let's just say Anti's list no longer scared him.

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