113. Kidge on Ice!

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Kidge (Keith x Pidge)

None this is pure fluff

Inspired by a photo ScottyGonzaela sent me 💚❤️

1196 (don't know how I feel about the way this turned out but I think it's kinda cute at least)


Pidge and Keith had decided to go on a date. The idea had came up rather out of the blue and neither had been expecting it, not even the one who proposed the idea which had been Pidge saying that they should go on a date together, Keith had been the one to suggest ice skating as it was something that he'd always wanted to do on a date with someone and it was something he'd done quite a lot back on Earth. The red paladin seemed rather excited to be doing his hobby again but Pidge on the other hand let's just say that she hadn't been very good at ice skating in the past but there was no way she was going to say that to Keith he'd just take the piss or at least that's what she thought.

"I've been looking forward to this," Keith grinned as he strapped on his skates making sure they were secure. He looked over at the green paladin smirking a little as he saw her struggling, "Having issues there?" Pidge frowned, "Shut the fuck up! I can do this!" She was committed now and wouldn't let Keith laugh at her for struggling and after a couple of minutes she managed to get them secured. "See I told you I could it!" She stuck her tongue out at her boyfriend. Keith rolled his eyes and laughed, "Let's just get on the rink." He smiled at the green paladin pulling her to her feet, he had no reason to do this he simply decided that he wanted to, which caused Pidge to chuckle slightly. "I can get up on my own Keith," She laughed.

When the two actually got out to the rink after Pidge had almost fallen over about four times hobbling on her skates, the rink was practically deserted. Keith was immediately on the ice the second they reached the rink and only Pidge was surprised that the red paladin hadn't fallen over considering the fact that he'd ran in skates. The dark-haired male quickly got into the swing of things, showing off serval moves he could do on his skates which honestly were rather impressive. Pidge on the other hand... well she was pretty much hanging onto the wall for support. "Do you need a hand?" Keith chuckled outstretching his hand to his girlfriend however Pidge wasn't exactly willing to take the offer. "Fuck off, I can skate just fine! I don't need your help." That was a boldface lie and both of them knew it. "Yeah it really seems that way," Keith laughed.

Keith, in this moment, decided to be a shit and he skated around Pidge skilfully showing off a little before prying her hands off of the wall. "Keith," Her voice held warning as she glared as the male who was forcing her away from the wall which had been her only form of solid support. She gripped his hands rather tightly, "Keith this isn't funny." The red paladin only have a menacing almost teasing grin at his girlfriend. "Listen, you've got to fall at least seven times before you can be considered good," He informed her. "I don't wanna be good! I just don't want to fall on my ass!" Pidge argued back. At this point Keith was just trying not to laugh and he rolled his eyes, gently gliding her along the ice to the middle so that she wouldn't be able to escape to the wall.

"Now listen keep holding my hands so you won't fall," He told her, entwining their fingers, taking into account the fact that Pidge had been quite vocal about the fact that she didn't want to fall. "If I fall I'm dragging you down with me," The green paladin threatened completely serious, "I'm not going down alone." Keith gulped slightly cause he knew that Pidge wasn't joking and that she would definitely pull him down with her if she fell. "I know you will but I won't let you fall," He raised one of her hands that he was holding to his lips and gently kissed it. "Affection isn't going to get you anywhere Kogane." Their was slight tension in the air but that normal for the two had they'd adjusted to it and neither of them minded it anyway.

Keith moved the two of them so that they were forced to skate together, Pidge keeping a tight grip on her boyfriend's hands prepared to drag him down at any given time if the need arose. She kept letting out small curses every time she felt like she was away to fall but she never actually did. "You're not that bad at this too be honest," The red paladin chuckled, smirking as he saw her almost fall again. "I'm going to make us fall in a minute," Pidge threatened. The threat was true to it's word as the green paladin 'deliberately' caused the two of them to fall onto the ice. They both sat their for a minute in pure silence before bursting out into laughter. "I hate you! I hate you! This is your fault!" Pidge exclaimed, lightly punching Keith's arm. "My fault? You caused us to fall," The red paladin managed to get out through his laughter. "That's it! I'm filing for divorce! We're not married but I'm doing it anyway!" She yelled, throwing her hands up in the air as if to emphasis her point. "Nooo I'm sorry," Keith said over dramatically. Pidge rolled her eyes at her boyfriend before sighing, "Fine whatever I can't even fall out with you for a second but next time I'll get those papers. Now help me up cause my ass is freezing." That's when Keith decided to be a shit once again, "I thought you could get up on your own?" He quoted her from earlier. "You're an asshole and I really wish I could hate you."

Eventually Pidge and Keith both got back up and enjoyed some more skating, falling over a good few times with Keith actually falling into Pidge on a few occasions although if asked he would deny it. The two overall had a good time and both came out of the rink once their time was up laughing and joking as usual. "You should never mess with me!" Pidge exclaimed as she was slipping back on her normal shoes. Keith was doing the same and he looked at his girlfriend and laughed, "You're right I shouldn't have... I never knew you could tackle someone on an ice rink." Their date had ultimately been a success which was good because both had been rather unsure about what the outcome would be. "I guess we have to get back to the ship now, don't we?" Pidge sighed, "Lance is going to bombard us with questions." Keith nodded, "He really is... but thats Lance for you." The two linked hands and headed back for the ship, smiling widely.

And Pidge was right Lance did bombard them with questions when they got back...

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