42. Soulmates (Alt ending)

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Alternative ending to Soulmates wanted by Le child ScottyGonzaela



You happy?



He's so beautiful

Mark looked at the tattoo on his arm and sighed, the plain black circle. The same tattoo his lover would have, he kept his covered so that no one else could see it. All his friends apart from Jack and Yami had found their soulmates.

He watched the Irishman film his videos and smiled happily as the energetic male did his outro. Mark felt truly happy whenever he heard Jack's voice and especially when he heard his giggle, it was the most beautiful sound he ever heard.

The redhead let out a longing sigh as he looked for more videos to watch. He wished he could find his soulmate.

He is adorable

"And I will see all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!" Mark finished watching another one of the Irishman's videos. Fuck, he's so cute. The redhead smiled widely and sighed as a Skype call came through from the same male.

"Uh... Mark?" Jack sounded nervous? No that must have been Mark's head messing with him. He looked at the video call and the beautiful Irishman appeared on the screen. Mark couldn't help a giant happy smile spreading across his lips, "Hey! I mean... Hi," He chuckled nervously trying to sound cool. Jack giggled, his amazing cute giggle. "What's up man?" Mark asked. Jack scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, "I-I was wondering i-if I could m-maybe s-see your tattoo," He stuttered. The two youtubers had never seen each other's tattoos.

"Of course..." The redhead pulled up his hoodie sleeve and showed the plain black circle on his forearm to Jack. The Irishman couldn't help the happy squeal that passed his lips. Mark raised an eyebrow confused. "MARK LOOK!" He exclaimed and showed Mark his tattoo the exact same as the redhead's. "No way!"

He is my soulmate

"I guess that means we're soulmates," Jack chuckled seeming a little nervous and to be honest in Mark's opinion it was cute. "I guess it does so I have something important to ask you." Jack waited with a giant smile on his face.

"Knock knock."
Jack looked a little disappointed. "Whose there."
"Can I?"
"Can I who?"
"Can I be your boyfriend."
"Yes you goof."

"Septiplier away!"

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