149. Legend

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Danti (back to my normal way of writing although I promise I will write more natepat cause that's what the people want)

This one has a lot
-Mentions of abuse
-Depression and depression pills

This is purely based around the movie Legend and the Kray twins I do not believe that Mark would actually act in this way as he is an amazing, caring man

Also we'll ignore the fact that men couldn't legally get married in 1960 for plot

2212 (I'm proud of this although it's a bit all over the place)

London in the 1960s. Everyone had a story about the Fischbachs. You could walk into any pub to hear a lie or two about them. But I was there and I'm not careless with the truth. They were brothers, but bound by more than blood. They were twins as well, counterparts. Gangster princes of the city they meant to conquer. Mark Fischbach was a one-man London mob. Bloodthirsty, illogical, and funny as well. My Darky was different. Once in a lifetime do you find a street-fighting man like Dark. Believe me when I say it took a lot of love for me to hate him the way I do.

Dark once said, "The centre of the world could be anywhere you like."Even here, in the East End of London. The world is quite like London. It's not good, it's not bad, it just is. There's no morality or dishonour, just your own lonely code. Until your race is run. Until the end. Until we're all just ghosts of the people we once thought we were.

Dark Fischbach was heading down to Frank McLoughlin's house in order to have a few harsh words with him as he hadn't turned up that morning, the reason being he'd slept in and Dark had guessed that but he wasn't taking it as an excuse, and the gangster was raging. He walked past a police car on his route and stopped to have a 'pleasant' chat with the officers but mostly it was taunting them as they knew who he was but because of a lack of evidence and the wall of silence Fischbach twins had built no one was willing to testify against them out of fear of the penalty. "The difference between us, right, apart from, you know, the obvious, and that is that I, right, I work for me. And you, well, you work for them."

Once he reached the house he bashed on the door so that Frank would certainly hear it but when the door opened standing in the doorway as Frank's younger brother Anti, he only had a too big jumper and boxers, "Ah you must be hear for Frank, I beg of you not to go too hard on him he's really trying his best." Dark smirked at him slightly, he found the boy extremely attractive and Anti was only a few years younger too, he then noticed that the young brother was sucking on something, "What's that you've got?" He questioned. "Oh lemon sherbet," Anti replied. "Can I have a taste? It's my favourite," Dark asked keeping that smirk on his face. Anti's knees felt weak and he also didn't exactly what to see what happened if he said no to one of London's biggest gangsters so he nodded and took it out his mouth passing it to Dark. The gangster immediately crunched down on it. "You're supposed to suck it not crunch," Anti giggled. "But how else am I supposed to get to the sherbet?" That made Anti giggle even more, "You wait." There was silence for a few moments before Dark made his move, "Say if you go out with me I'll go easier on your brother." Anti simply smiled and nodded before his mum appeared, "Anti get inside what are you doing out here dressed like that?! What will people think?!" She pushed him inside but not before Dark passed what reminded of the lemon sherbet to him. Anti crunched it right in front of his mother's face before going back inside.

True to his word Dark went easier on Frank and then took Anti out. "You've got glamour, Ant. You're like an East End starlet," Frank complimented his brother with a smile. "East End harlot's, more like it," His mother remarked in a snide tone, she did not approve of Darkiplier, she knew he was trouble. Anti was hurt by his mother remark but he decided to wind her up instead, "I'm going to kiss him! You hear me! I'm going to kiss Dark Fischbach!" Anti then stormed outside but smiled when he saw Dark standing next to his car, grinning. "You heard that all?" Anti asked. Dark nodded and chuckled, "C'mon let's go." Now the Fischbach twins owned most of the clubs in the East End so when Dark took Anti out Anti was introduced to and got to meet everyone that Dark knew but most importantly that day he got to meet Mark Fischbach and Mark... he immediately took a disliking to Anti deciding that he was going to end up stealing his brother but at first he pretended to be nice Anti could see through the act but didn't comment on it but despite that meeting Mark was definitely an experience. "...And I'm staring at the back of this geezer's head. Drilling him with my eyes. The whole time thinking "Give Mark Fischbach your sausage. Give Mark your fucking sausage." Until, I'm not thinking it anymore; I'm broadcasting , through his skull and into his brain. 'Til he looks back at me and says "Mark, do you fancy my sausage? I've got no appetite this morning." Then he stopped to take it in, "Interesting..."

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