12. Don't laugh at me

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Septiplier (main ship)
Patrckstatic x Garuku Bluemoon
(I added a lot of ships)

Jack is the popular cliché douchebag and Mark is the new dork
(I do not view Jack as this it's simply for plot purposes)


This is cliché and it's suppose to be because everything else I write tends to turn sad oops



I'm a little boy with glasses
The one they call the geek
A little girl who never smiles
'Cause I've got braces on my teeth
And I know how it feels
To cry myself to sleep

"Mark Edward Fischbach!" A taunting singsong voice yelled from the down the corridors and suddenly his locker was slammed shut in front of him, the redhead stumbled slightly and felt arms snake around his waist catching the male off guard. The nerd looks up both annoyed and grateful when his eyes meet that of Seán McLoughlin and his heart stops due to fear, he can barely choke out his next choice of words,
"S-Seán." The green haired male smirks noting the male's surprise and fear, he let out a small snort. Mark tries to free himself from the popular teenager's grip however Seán refuses to release him from the strange embrace,
"How many times have I told you to call me Jack." His voice tickled Mark's ear.

Ryan and Matt appeared almost out of thin air from behind the lockers. Their eyes met Mark's and noted the pleading expression on his face but with a deep breath walked past and ignored it sending the male a sympathetic glance, Mark understood they had enough to deal with. Seán saw the nerd's helplessness and sniggered before speaking his voice harsh,
"Your friends don't care." He swallowed thickly away to snap a reply back when he heard a voice he recognised and his whole body tensed up,
"Hey! McLoughlin you must have a death wish or something, popular or not that's not how you treat my friend."

"Sorry, he just so helpless I had to hold on a little longer surely you can understand, Jeremy?" The Irish smirked darkly releasing the nerd. Mark turned and met his friend Jeremiah Woodward, a small smile spread across his lips and he mouthed,
"Thanks JP." He smiled softly towards his friend as Seán walked off a slight skip in his feet. JP chuckled at his friend,
"Looked like you were having some trouble with McLoughlin, hey don't pay any mind to him you know he only tries to act cool. C'mon Wade's worried." The nerd's grin widened, he had friends that cared about him and despite having to deal with Seán McLoughlin everyday and his obvious flirting - trying to make a fool out of Mark, life wasn't too bad in general.
"Yeah let's go before Seán decides to make a second appearance today and I feel like you won't manage to get rid of him another time."
JP nodded in agreement,
"Yep, that dick thinks he's so slick when I'll think he can digest my wiener." That statement caused Mark to fall into uncontrollable laughter as the two walked off to regroup.

I'm that kid on every playground
Who's always chosen last
A single teenage mother
Tryin' to overcome my past
You don't have to be my friend
Is it too much to ask?

"Nice one Jack, you really got under the nerd's skin," Felix smirked holding his hand up for a high five which Seán gladly gave. Bob laughed,
"Yeah Jack, I mean seriously? Who wants to spend all their time writing essays and stuff."
Jack almost slapped himself at his friend's stupidity,
"Idiot you want to be a lawyer." Bob didn't reply but just laughed the comment off as Felix grinned widely typing away on his phone secretively.
"Texting your boyfriend," Jack teased attempted to snatch the phone from his friend - but failed. If anyone had seen the three male's acting like this their popularity status would no doubt drop however the group decided to skip class and enjoy the gorgeous outside because honestly anything was better than double algebra.

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