55. Frankiplier

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Sometimes I write random shiz when I can't sleep

Do old readers or new readers who binge read remember my oneshot Don't trust me... Who wants a part 2 to that?

Originally this was going to be a full story where Jack was Dodger and came in later on however I never wrote it deciding it probably wouldn't be liked very much



"he's breathing!" A voice exclaimed knocking the male out of his comfort of his mind. Sharp pain travelled through his body yet it was only there for a while.

Opening his eyes he came face to face with a green haired male with a crazed look in his eyes. "HE'S ALIVE!" He yelled clapping his hands. The male raised an eyebrow at this strange man but didn't question her. He tried to talk yet nothing came from his throat expect odd groaning noises.

This body didn't fully feel like his, he looked down to see that he was covered by a sheet. The man didn't seem fazed by the fact he was checking his own body out in fact it seemed to make the green haired male happier.

"WADE GET IN HERE!" He screeched as a tall male came in with entered the room. They seemed oddly familiar like family or forgotten friends. "well I'll be damned your experiment worked," 'Wade' chuckled. Experiment?

A scowl made its way onto his face and refused to leave causing the two who were having as the male kept screaming 'a scientific breakthrough' although eyebrows was happy he wasn't as hyped as the man. He pried his fingers into the male's mouth poking his teeth and inspecting his mouth. Without warning the scientist pushed one of his teeth right into his gum casing the confused male's reflexes to kick in and he bit the man's finger. The male squealed and laughed like a psychopath clapping his hands and staring at Wade the tall male he'd called in when the confused man had reawakened from what felt like a century of slumber.

The man kept on screaming and hopping about the room until he crashed right into the machine the other man been hooked up too. He inspected the wires planted in the visible skin the sheet still covering his lower body region and his arm stuck in what he assume to be a cast he was unable to move any limb that couldn't be seen.

"does he ever shut up?" He snapped sharply at giant who chuckled light heartedly at the male's comment. "he's glad to see awake the crazy scientist spent weeks of sleepless nights working on being you back to life and waking you up."

What did he mean bring him back to life? He choose not to question it he wasn't in the mood to get a giant science lecture from the 'scientist'.

"mark," The damn man clapped his hands again pushed her face a few inches away from his. Mark responded with a ugh sound which came naturally if he was an animal he wouldn't doubt that it would be his mating call.

"do you remember who I am?" The scientist asked his eyes darting across the room nervously like he was afraid to hear the answer. Of course he didn't remember her how could he all Mark knew was how to breath , how to speak, a far amount of vocabulary and the faces of who he'd met when he'd woken. Unable to properly answer question given the fact Mark didn't really understand it he shook his head. "It'll all come back soon enough Mark."

His mind was telling him that he was Mark that he was him however his brain refused to remember the people who stood before him.

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