11. Does it hurt?

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Mark dies in a horrific accident but his ghost still haunts the mountain where he died. His friend Jack decides to pay his grave a visit.

Fluff (?)

I've never written this type of storyline so hopefully it's okay



"He left this world too early," Ryan cried hugging Matt tightly, they'd already lost one friend now they'd lost two. The bigger male's tears soaked the blond's top as he pat his back attempting to comfort his friend not cry into his hair.
"I know Ryan," He managed to choke out. The two parted and looked at Matthias, Bryan and J-Fred who'd been there when the accident had occurred. They looked at them with sympathetic eyes and Joey - J-Fred spoke silently,
"It's my fault. He fell trying to save me."

Earlier that same day

"Come on Mark show us how it's done," Bryan yelled as they clipped Mark into the harness tying rope around his waist.  They were going abseiling as Mark had been good at rock climbing.
"Hey I'm good at rock climbing that doesn't mean I'll be good at this." Laughter passed through his lips as the four friends looked at each other.
"We could make this a Team Edge video maybe?" J-Fred suggested gesturing to his top which had their symbol on it. Immediately the others nodded deciding it would be fun, they set up the cameras and started up the video.

Everything was going smoothly until Joey's turn, he was clipped loosely into the harness and walked down the cliff. However the harness starting slipping off and J-Fred felt it and began screaming.

The three looked at each other unsure of what to do when Mark ran over to the cliff stopping sharply before the edge and yelled down to J-Fred strictly,
The male followed his instructions and held tightly into the rope like is life depended on it and truthfully it did.
"Okay good now I'm going to pull you up," The gamer now spoke softly as he yanked the rope taking the male by surprise he let out a small squeal but didn't let his grip loosen.

Mark didn't give up he kept yanking at the rope getting more tired at each pull. Eventually he got J-Fred up to where he could grab his hand and harshly he pulled him up and the male fell to the ground. The redhead was panting fiercely and wiped sweat from his forehead but from exhaustion he tumbled
backwards, off the cliff.

Matthias yelled out and the other two ran to the edge but Mark hadn't been able to grab onto anything his body hut the ground at the bottom of the cliff, unmoving and stiff.

He'd been alive just moments ago.

The present

Jack was heading over to Mark's to do a recording as the male had text him a few days ago requesting him to come over. He took a deep breath of fresh air and stepped up to the door knocking with three short raps. Matt opens the door his face tear stained and the green head male immediately panicked,
"What's wrong?"
The blond fell forward into Jack let out soft sobs and the Irish male heard Ryan's own sobs and his heart skipped a beat due to fear, he was scared to hear the male's answer.
"It's Mark... he died."

A long gasp for air escaped the male's lips as he heard the news being broken to him, tears fell from his eyes.
"No. No. Mark's put you up to this, it's a joke. TELL ME IT'S A JOKE MATT!" He screamed taking the crying blond's shoulders and shaking him.
"We wish he was," Ryan spoke from the side appearing in the doorway, prying the Irish male's hands away from the blond's shoulder. Jack looked at Matt guiltily but he took a deep breath and asked the two,
"How'd it happen?"
The two looked at each other and Matt spoke wiping tears from his eyes as Ryan started crying again,
"He fell off a cliff when he went abseiling after saving Joey."

He bit his lip rubbing his eyes not wanting to believe them, he ran and ran until he reached the bottom of the cliff where Mark had told he'd be abseiling earlier that day. Maybe if he didn't believe it, it didn't have to be real? Jack knew his hope was stupid but he couldn't help it.


Flowers and a photo of Mark lay at the top of the cliff and a letter addressed from Joey being held in place by the photograph. Looking at the redhead Jack felt tears threatening to spill, his whole face stung and he knelt down speaking to Mark,
"Why? You didn't deserve this fate. I get you saved Joey and they did a quick job of getting this up here for you. I'm surprised but I guess you're worth the effort." He managed to choke out a laugh but tears soaked the ground as he let out scratchy sobs.

"Hey Jackiboy don't cry over me," A soft voice whispered making the male shiver, he turned around and standing behind him was Mark. His features were the same only slightly lighter, he seemed more radiant a small smile spread across his lips as he looked at his friend.
"You're not dead?!" Jack yelled happily and ran to hug his friend but fazed through him, a shock of coldness made him jump and let out a small yelp.
"No, I am dead but I had to see you," The redhead spoke putting his hand above Jack's shoulder,
"Don't be scared."
The Irish took in the fact that his dead best friend was standing in front of him,
"So you're a ghost?"
"That's one way to put it," Mark chuckled.

"I miss you," Jack whispered.
"I've only been dead for a few hours."
The Irish male nodded slightly,
"I know, but well Mark I-I've had feelings for you and the day I have the courage to tell you, you go and die."
The ghost sheepishly smiles,
"If it makes you feel any better I return your feelings."

The two go to kiss but Jack's lips pass through Mark, the gamer sighs heavily.
"Hey Mark can I ask you a question?" The green haired male asks curiously. The gamer smirks slightly before replying,
"You just did."
"Mark! But seriously?" The Irish male wines.
"Knock yourself out."

"Does it hurt? Dying I mean."
The ghost listened carefully and pondered over the question before answering,
"It depends on the circumstances."
Jack nodded taking in what the gamer had said and Mark getting what the Irish male had meant strictly spoke,
"Jack I know what you're thinking, no the fans and your family need you."
"Mark... look I want to be with you but the way this is, we can't be."

The gamer sighed heavily and raised an eyebrow,
"Are you sure?"

Jack looked over the cliff taking his phone out of his pocket and took his last breath, raising his hand to the sky,
"Goodbye world." Just before hitting the ground Mark heard the male yell,


Minutes passed as Mark waited and stood until he saw Jack float up from the other side of the cliff, a smile present on his lips.

"Hey Markimoo."

The two lips collided as the ghosts passionately kissed each other.

Jack took his life so his and Mark's lips could at last meet.

But no living person would be told the story of the two men and what happened to them.

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